Subject: Keeping family close during times of change.....

Hi Friend  :)
How has your week been?

As you can imagine I've been deeply immersed in family, family connection and while busy with the twins and Aria....I've felt an internal slowing down....probably to manage external stress and stay calm and peaceful through little sleep and always being in demand.

I've also felt the call to reach out for support through this time...."It takes a village" has been front and centre for us! And with our families being anywhere from 3.5 hrs to continents away....we've really needed to call upon our "extended" family....our soul family and friends! Who have been extremely gracious and helpful.....bringing over food, meeting up for coffee, offering to watch Aria....We really do need one another. Of course we can do A LOT on our own....and many times we do.....however there is something beautiful and nurturing about asking for and receiving support through times of change and transition.

When our family, friends, tribe, soul group show up....we all get to RISE UP! We all get to thrive! And we feel not so alone in this big world....and that we don't have to do it all on our own!

Who do you call upon for support? Is your family close by? Do you have a tight-knit group of friends?

During the most difficult times, we seek comfort and support from those closest to us....usually our family members. However today, that may not always be possible. Families are more spread out across the world than ever before, divorce rates are at an all time high, technology has a way of connecting us across the world...and yet can create emotional distance. So then....where do we go for comfort and support....and do we even know how to ask for and receive support anymore?
Regardless as to who or what you call family (friends, tribe, soul group) a few core elements are essential to our well-being - LOVE - Being loved and loving another. And CONNECTION - feeling and being connected...knowing that you HAVE a support system to tap into at any time.
To help you nurture and expand the love and connections around you....I'm excited to tell you about a FREE interview series my friend Toni Black is offering...that I'm also a part of! It brings together more than 21 well-known speakers to share our advice for navigating life's obstacles while maintaining strong bonds with your loved ones.
It's called Successful Family Transitions – How to Navigate Life's Obstacles While Creating a Deep Sense of Connection with Your Loved Ones, and it begins October 1! You can reserve your spot at no cost, here:
When you go to the link above and register you'll discover a virtual toolbox full of strategies to deepen your connections with your loved ones, no matter what your family situation looks like, or how it's evolving.
Specifically, you'll learn:
  • Strategies for reducing stress and bringing peace to yourself and your loved ones, so you can enjoy your time together even when life throws you curve balls.
  • How to keep family structure together even though today's world challenges it. 
  • How to define your own family's "well-being," and nurture it so everyone is happy and healthy.
  • How to encourage the unique differences and strengths of each family member, which in turn strengthens and sustains close family connections.
  • And more.

Toni is the perfect person to host this event. She's experienced the magic of personal growth through numerous and ongoing life-changing transitions, which have shaped her own family. She's also helped many other families navigate the choppy waters of transition during her 20-year-long teaching career. She strives to empower everyone with the knowledge that their family dynamics are uniquely perfect.
That's why she's hosting Successful Family Transitions – How to Navigate Life's Obstacles While Creating a Deep Sense of Connection with Your Loved Ones.
And I'm super honored to be part of this event!
Again, you can register at no cost. All you have to do is sign up here:
Have a sweet and loving....and nurturing weekend! Connect with the people you love! Be of service when you're called UP! And know that you are sooooooo loved always!

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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