Subject: Interested in Akashic Records? And retreats?

Hello beautiful!
How was your weekend???

We had a loving weekend, with tons of support from my whole family!!!!! Soooooo grateful!.....All 5 of us were hit with the nastiest cold virus I've ever experienced.....Aria and I are finally starting to feel better and the boys are not far behind. about hard on my mamma-heart seeing all 3 of my little loves in so much discomfort for so many days and nights.....

The blessing through the sleepless, coughing, aching, fevered nights.....witnessing and experiencing family stepping in and up to support, rock babies, hold us, love all around and having meals made for us while we moved through the thick of sh*t. We feel soooooo loved and held. And my heart feels full even through the cold-chaos!

I also felt a HUGE shift and transformation after last week's Full Blue Moon "ring of fire" alignment! Did you feel it? Wowzers! Talk about change, elevation and shedding the past ways of being, thinking and doing in the world! I literally feel like I've been rebirthed and reintegrated! And after doing my own meditation...walking through the ring of transmutation....I'm now starting to experience the new version of me and all that she wants to bring forward in the world! (you can still access the energy and meditation here for only $19 for a limited time -

One of my oldest friends said to me today....."You need to hug both of your worlds - your mommy-family world and your healing-biz world. Then you will feel and find the new version of you!" YES!!!! Exactly what I've been feeling and moving through!

With this new version....there will be some new, fun and soulful things to unfold! Deeper ways for me to be of service! And clarified services to help you along your journey!

I'm am so re-ignited and, as always, dedicated to help others live AWEsome! Create high vibe goodness! Heal and transform! And live their soul purpose NOW! It's exciting!

With that....I have 2 questions for you.....
  1. Are you interested in Akashic Records? Learning more about them, becoming certified as an Akashic Records Reader, or exploring them for your own soul's path, clarity and knowledge....
  2. Are you interested in retreats this year and 2020? Soul-based retreats designed to expand your soul purpose, increase your manifestation abilities, recharge your batteries and nourish YOU, and explore beautiful places in the world like Greece, Sedona, the Caribbean, Argentina, Ireland.......
I'd love to hear from you! I'm taking the next week to continue with my biz and family life refresh and integration....and will be rolling out changes over the next month! Can't wait to share with you! And have your input with me!

Beautiful, expansive love your way!
P.S. Regarding emails that you receive from me.....I'm creating content for the next few months....tangible, bit-size bits of goodness to help accelerate your life!....And would love to know....would you be open to receiving 2 emails per week from me?

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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