Subject: Imagine.....what if you never had to second guess yourself ever again!?!

Hi beautiful....
How are you this bright and beautiful morning?! It's a new opportunities for expansion and growth! Are you ready????

I have a question for you...something I was thinking about last we wrapped up our 13th Thrive in 5 workshop and were getting our new Thrive 365'ers registered for all the intuitive goodness to come!

It occurred to Gabriel and I....that during the workshop....we were having so much fun....that we never considered the downside to not having a clear line of communication to your higher self and a questionable wavering intuition....

The next thought was this..."Wow...imagine if you never had to second guess yourself ever again!?! Wouldn't that be amazing and awesome?!"

And it is! Gabriel and I live by our higher self guidance every day! And we LOVE teaching our clients to do the same!....why?.....because it's sooooooooo much more fun and life is sooooooooo much easier when higher self connection is strong and intuition is dialed in and clear!

Imagine for a moment.....Not having to second guess yourself ever again! Not ever having to walk down a road that ends up being crazy-pants because you didn’t listen to your higher guidance or intuitive nudge.

Sparing yourself the confusion around…."Is this my gut, my head, my heart, my intuition, my mind….giving me this answer or response?"

Not feeling alone or that you have to walk this path alone….You have guides and you get to know them! You have angels and you get to connect and converse with them!
Imagine....Saving yourself time in “trying” to figure it out…."Do I go this way….or that way….?" You know you have options...and which option do you take? Which one is the correct, most aligned one?

Imagine....Not having to regret decisions made…because you’ve made peace with the path walked AND you’re soooooo refined in your intuition and inner guidance that you just know! You know and feel it’s your highest choice, path and decision! And you'll never miss out on amazing opportunities that are right before you….because you're no longer staring at a fixed door that may not be your highest path.

You no longer sit in confusion around split mind decisions….You are able to quickly discern which is the highest path and decipher messages given to you to support you!

Imagine....Not ever being afraid of that “bump” in the night….because you’ll know what it is and what to handle it and clear it!

Imagine....Not feeling disconnected from your relatives and loved ones past (and pets)….You're able to connect with them deeply, profoundly and accurately! Imagine being able to chat with them as easily as if they were right here, with you…..No longing and that painful grief subsides.

You no longer feel disconnected from Source or your higher “life-line”.....You are always connected and feel the strength of that connection….

Imagine….Knowing what business projects to work on now...which ones to move forward….AND...which ones not to step into! Imagine….Knowing what job or career to step into that will bring great joy and abundance...and which ones to steer clear of because they may bring some sort of icky-sticky experience. Imagine...Knowing with absolute clarity who your soul partner is or when to leave an outdated relationship. Imagine...Knowing when the divine time is to have a baby and when to just let go and enjoy life. Imagine….Knowing how to easily create more income or money without having to push or work harder.
Imagine for a moment…...that your intuition is beautifully, easily open. You do not fear your gifts….you lovingly accept them...embrace them!

You are deeply connected to your higher self, higher knowing and higher mind! You receive daily intuitive guidance that leads you down a path that is exceptional and awesome! Flowing, abundant, healthy, loving, radiant!

When you hit a fork in the road….a choice-point….you’re able to quickly and easily dial in, get higher guidance from your soul…..and make a quick and easy decision to go left or right….this or that…..

Because you are flowing with your higher voice, knowing and wisdom….life keeps getting better and better….brighter and brighter….shinier and shinier!....Happier and happier….more and more fulfilling!

You know your life is guided by spirit! You know your life is guided by grace! You know your higher wisdom is streaming through you in each and every moment! You trust your intuition. You trust your inner knowing. You trust the visions that come to you quite easily and naturally. 

You feel and know that you are lovingly supported every day!

There is no worry. There is no stress about what the heck is going to happen next. There is no concern about whether or not you’re on the “right” track or path….

You know you are aligned! You feel it! You know that intuitive guidance will powerfully nudge you when the time is right….You will be able to recognize when change is here...and when and where to pivot or take your next soul step!

You know….you trust….you allow….you receive…..and you thrive!
All of this is possible! And we know it to be true and so....when clients step into Thrive 365!!!! Why? How? Because we've witnessed it with over 150 clients who have participated in Thrive 365...And with over 15, 000 clients we've worked with over the last 20 years!

If you'd like to explore this me back and let's connect!!!!
BIG hugs, massive light to you & deep appreciation for who you are!
Tara & Gabriel
Co-Founders of Ascension Academy of Light
Spiritual Centre for growth, expansion & elevation!

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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