Subject: INsights, Increasing Your Intuition...the next level & We're having a....!!

Hello beautiful!!!!

I can't believe it has been over a month since sending my last much has expanded over here....including my belly!!!! Officially 5 months this past Thursday! And we found out the sex of the baby this week!.....I'll let you know what we're having further on in this email : )

For now....let me connect with YOU! How are you? What's been shakin' and changing in your world? Since September I've witnessed sooooooo many people go through MASSIVE change, transformation, awakening and inward aha''s as though we've all received a blast from the Universe or our Higher Self, assisting with our soul's evolution and expansion. This can be fascinating and yet inward expansion can cause outward change and uncomfortableness.

One thing I can say for certain....EVERYTHING THAT IS OCCURRING FOR YOU IS PERFECT! Everything that is happening in your world has been divinely created FOR help you become even more of who you truly are!!!!.....YOUR MOST EXPANDED, MOST AMAZING SELF! If we can keep our focus on makes all the bumps, growing pains and stretching easier to face.

Any little or big "snag" is NEVER to trip you up or keep you stuck in fear, pain or distress. It is a point of opportunity to stretch beyond who you are.....and to keep on moving. DO NOT GET STUCK! Do not get trapped by the ego's illusion that would say, "Hang out to the pain. Process, process, process. Let's spend months or years figuring out why I'm feeling so crappy." This will only prolong the distress.

I like to say to clients, "Get the gift and get out!" Meaning....get the inner growth message of what ever is presenting and then lift up, return to your spiritual centre and practice and get back to the light! Life is far too precious and awesome to stay stuck. You are here to create and experience more goodness than you have tasted as yet!!!! Let's shift and lift together and feel the goodness that is ever-flowing in and around us!!!!

(more goodness below....keep reading.....)
YOU are a blessing on this planet!

In this INSIGHT-letter you'll find:
  • Increase Your "IN"tuition Workshop - LIVE this January & Self-Study options!
  • A NEW RETREAT!....Jan 16 - 23, 2016!
  • Christmas Gift Ideas....Chakra Butters, Divine Design Bracelets, Gift Certs!
  • The Baby's Gender Reveal!
A Little Something for Everyone!
Expanded "IN"tuition Course !

Have you ever wanted to learn more about your Intuition? Curious as to what it's communicating to you? Tapping into your intuition is one of the greatest gifts you can awaken within you! With increased intuition you:
  • have a clear sense of direction in life
  • are able to make grounded decisions
  • have insight into your highest path
  • and, have a lot of fun exploring the "unseen world" around all of us!
Over this past year, I've been intuitively creating a powerful program to help expand, awaken, increase and fine-tune your intuition!!!!....And, I'm thrilled to share it with you!

I know, first hand, how amazing it is to live life fully awake with a fully turned on intuition!!! With this gift actively a part of my every day life, I've been able to do the "work" that I love to do with ease, I've been able to sense and see things before they physically happen, and I've been able to direct my life in full alignment with my higher self (because I'm listening inwardly....and when I don't, I know where I strayed from my inner voice of highest truth!).

There are 2 ways that you can part-take in this amazing program!!!!!
1. ONLINE SELF STUDY - videos, meditations, 3rd Eye Activation Sessions & audios....Emailed to you each week for 6 weeks....with a new theme each week!

2. LIVE IN PERSON - live meditations, 3rd Eye Activations, live workshops, live practice sessions within self & with other students, Intuition Q&A sessions & live support....One class per week for 6 weeks....with a new theme each week!

If you're feeling the LIVE version....I have a SPECIAL GIFT when you register!!!! You'll also receive the ONLINE content to keep and use when you need a little boost or refresher!

If you'd like to sample my FREE resource (video & Intuition Quiz), click the following pink link......

Soul Awakening - Soul Design RETREAT JANUARY 16 - 23, 2016!!!

For the past month, Gabriel and I have been asked to organize and run another retreat in the new year! We are SUPER EXCITED to announce....YES!!!....we have secured a beautiful space between Playa del Carmen and Tulum, Mexico between January 16 - 23rd!

This retreat will focus on Awakening Your Soul Designed Life and will cover topics decided by YOU! Relationships, finances, life purpose, intuition, higher self living....whatever is in your heart and top of mind we will go there!!!

If you're interested in joining us, please private message me (details are not yet up on the website). Each participant will have their own beautiful, beach-view room with either a queen or king size bed, all meals included, shuttle to and from Cancun airport, all soul sessions, and yoga and meditation classes included! Rate per person: $2295 USD!
Christmas / Holiday Gift Ideas!

I can't believe the holiday season is upon us! I have to admit....I do LOVE the lights, the Christmas music and the sparkling things everywhere! I haven't started my Christmas shopping as yet....however I've been gathering ideas!....And thought I'd share a few from Tara Healing Sanctuary!

Handcrafted Intuitively Created CHAKRA BUTTERS
(co-created with Mandy Mullin!)

  • 7 distinct aroma blends - one for each chakra
  • each chakra butter activates and balances that particular chakra
  • all butters are made with cocoa butter, shea butter and coconut oil...all whipped to a buttery texture...and perfect for upcoming winter months!

Divinely Designed Energy-Infused CRYSTAL BRACELETS
(email me for new design catalog!)
  • each design has been intuitively crafted to create a specific vibration
  • all stones are genuine crystals
  • each bracelet is energy infused by yours truly to bring about grounded, intuition, love, abundance, etc (depends on the bracelet)

GIFT CERTIFICATES for anything on the website!

  • when you purchase a gift certificate of $100 or more, receive a complimentary Energy Infused Bracelet (for you or to add to your gift)!
  • Gift certs. can be applied to Intuitive Healing sessions, classes, courses, coaching and/or workshops 

Now....let's talk BABY!!!!

This past Thursday I reached the 20 week / 5 month mark!!!! (already!!!!) Baby is moving A LOT and having me pee like crazy! Baby is healthy....five fingers and toes on each side, a healthy looking spine and responding to us immediately! Gabriel and I are having a ton of fun exploring this new, magical time in life....and we're laughing A LOT!!!! Not too much "baby-brain-fog" and not too emotional. The baby LOVES being a part of healing sessions.....poking me as if to say, "Hey! I'm here too....I'm helping and want to be a part of the session!"
We had a small, intimate gathering of family and friends to do a "reveal" of the baby's sex! What FUN!!!! Balloons of blue and pink and organic chocolate cake (homemade) with coloured icing inside....and varying thoughts as to what we are having! My mom was the BEST! She tried everything to squeeze it out of me all day yesterday and when the cake was cut she was over-joyed, excited and surprised!!!

Sooooo.....without further adieu.....We're having........................................................................
We are over the moon happy!!!!! And we both knew intuitively that "she" was a "she"! I've seen her energetically for years (even before conception) and Gabriel had a dream of her where she gave him her name!

I'm soooooo excited to share this news with YOU!!!! And will continue to take you on this adventure with us : )  I have to take some new baby belly pics....I've popped and totally look pregnant now!

Sending pure goodness through this IN-sight letter.....sharing ALLLLLLLLLL the incredible LOVE with YOU!!!! I hope if fills your heart, reminds you of the magic in life, wakes up the inner child within and lights UP your inner creator!!!!

Blessings all around!!!!
Have the most amazing, soul-full day and I'll be in touch again soon,

2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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