Subject: How long do you want to sit in something?

Hi Friend!
How are you feeling today? We are in Big White, British Columbia....7606 feet elevation...and the energy UP here is AH-mazing! Sooooooo still and expansive! I can't wait to channel all this high vibe goodness into tonight's channeling circle! Interested? What to join us? Curious about channeling and accessing higher self messages for you and your most awesome life?

Simply reply to this email and let me know you want to attend and I'll send you all the details! I have a feeling it's going to be "elevating" tonight....with a ton of guidance and clarity about purpose and our path!

Since being in B.C. I have to energy has gone UP....even the kidlets have been more peaceful, more joyful, sleeping more soundly and we're all really enjoying our time! (I'll send another email with some pics of our trip and some insights I've received along the way)

For today...I wanted to connect to invite you to the High Vibe Channeling Circle....and share the link to an insightful FB live I did a few days ago - "How long do you want to stay in something? You learn the same whether you sit in something for a hour...a day...a month....etc."

It was a short and sweet video with babies in arms and around! Here's the link:

Let me know what you think? And if there's anything that you've felt stuck in......

Sending wonderful, elevating love and support your way!
BIG BIG hugs!
P.S. If you've been curious about elevating and expanding your own intuition so that you can access guidance from your guides, higher self and loved ones! .....Let's connect! The Soul IN-sights group is soooooo beautiful, high vibe....and wonderful shifts are happening!

Here's what one student said about it: "
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

I so appreciate you being a part of this loving and soulful community! Being a part of this community gives you exclusive access to "IN-sight letters" and abundant goodness to elevate your life! You also have full choice in being a part of this community, and if you no longer resonate with the content, you can easily remove yourself from our emails. Of course we will miss you, and we understand. Blessings all around : )
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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