Subject: Hey! Want to invite in YOUR Higher Self?! (free audio inside)

Hi Friend!!!
Do you know what it feels like to invite in and feel and live the highest expression of YOU???

My experience of it....wonderful! Blissful! Joyful! Radiant!

We kicked off the first class of the Soul INsights Pkg - The Higher Self yesterday at 11:11 am EST! ......and wow! I just LOVE what happens when we open up, share, unite and receive!!!

I created a shortened version of the 90 min class that you can listen to for FREE! The insights are sooooooo valuable and life-changing! You'll LOVE it!

Simply click this link (or pick below) to listen and/or download....and then hit reply and let me know your thoughts, any aha's or how it feels for you!!!!!

And.....if you've been sitting on the fence.....contemplating registering for the Soul INsights Pkg (Intuition, Higher Self & Channeling).....feeling the inner pull....and yet something has stopped you....let's connect! Many times when we're ready to expand, the resistance from the limited self (ego self) surfaces and throws at us alllllllll sorts of reasons why we shouldn't. Why? Because it is safe and comfortable and doesn't want you to wants you stay exactly as you are. In this neat, safe, comfortable (yet uncomfortable) box.

When your gut nudges you....when your higher self calls you....when you feel that inner's something worth listening to and following through on! ONLY EXPANSION will come from it! And you will feel radiant! Awesome! Amazing as a result!!!!! Yay!

To follow through and listen to that inner voice/pull/gut feeling....simply reply to this email with a Soul YES!....And I'll get you all registered and send over the FULL audio and video version of the above snippet!

You are worth having, creating and living an incredible life! Now is the time to embrace that....receive that....and take the steps that allow YOU to align with that!!!!!


BIG BIG BIG hugs and tons of goodness your way!

P.S. Once you've listened to the Higher Self Audio
.....give yourself permission to receive a miracle today! Money miracle, health miracle, relationship miracle, business miracle! Let go of resistance and open to who and what you are!

Sent to you with love from my "smartphone" ;)
647. 991. 9366
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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