Subject: Hey Friend! What if you could....

Hi Friend!
Spirit was having a little chat with me this morning while meditating....They asked, "What if you could wake UP every day with clarity in your mind, focused intent in your thought, love and appreciation in your heart, and a feeling of Spirit-guided-purpose in your steps??? Would you do what was necessary to create and allow this?......

What if you could wake up knowing that everything is wonderfully guided and taken care of? Could you trust in the process?......

What if 10 minutes of alignment could create a wave of Spiritual flow and goodness throughout your day? Would you stick with it...would you take the step?"

My answer too all 3 contemplative questions was, "YES! YES! YES! Of course!"

Spirit responded, "YES! We have shown you the way....we have given you the practice. Now it's simply time to connect, commit and choose it every day. Stay with your practice. Stick with the tools. Ground into the teachings. They are simple. They work. Stick with it! Stay with it! And let the rest fall beautifully into place!"

I LOVE when Spirit drops it down so simply and clearly! When you read the above do YOU feel? What's YOUR answer or response? AND....most importantly.....DO YOU have a practice...the tools....the teachings to help you get into alignment, stay in alignment and listen to the goods that are always readily available to you???

If yes, GREAT! "Keep connected and carry on!" (HA....I should create a journal or shirt for this!)

If no, maybe, or sometimes....let's chat...let's connect! I'd love to share with you some simple spiritual practices, teachings and tools to help you get connected to YOU! The HIGHER, MOST EXPANSIVE YOU! Here's a link to book some free time ==>
(I have 3 spots left before we fly out to BC for the month)

AND.....I always offer valuable, insightful, life-elevating tools on my Plug IN & Power UP's on Facebook - Monday, Wednesday and Friday right now! I go live today at 9 am EST! You catch the high vibes here =>

Can't wait to connect! Have a sweet and soulful day!
P.S. When you allow Spirit to guide your gets more glorious, glowing and graceful! There's way less stress, strain and resistance. I'm sure you've experienced the difference....the contrast....times in your life when you've felt aligned and all flowed....and times when you felt out of sync and life felt like sandpaper. Today....let's choose alignment...whatever...however that looks for you! And if alignment calls you to connect....let's say YES and follow the flow!

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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