Subject: Hello (and IN-sights) from Barbados!

Hi Friend!

We made it to Barbados on Wednesday!!!! What a whirlwind leading up to leaving....wrapping up some BIG projects, teaching regular classes, getting organized to travel with an infant, finalizing Soul Navigation, and preparing to be away from home for 5 weeks! Wowzers! I finally feel like I can breathe and drop my shoulders from my ears.

Before we got on the plane I could feel a little nervousness and mild anxiety rising in my body. Traveling on a plane with an infant was a foreign thing to could either be easy and flowing or crazy intense in this small confined space for an infant learning to walk, full-on crawling and wanting to explore EVERYTHING and move about EVERYWHERE! OMG...did we make the "right" decision....being in another country with an infant for 5 weeks?? Could we actually do this???

If I would have let my fears overtake I may have landed myself in a full blown anxiety attack. Instead, I paused, took a breath, internally cleared the fear that was creeping in....reconnected to "Source-Creator" and tuned back into divine flow and guidance. I asked the deeper question: "What was thi fear REALLY about?" Within moments....I heard, "It's the unknown. You have become accustomed to life at home, in familiar territory with your young one. Yes, you know travel on your own or with Gabriel....this experience is a first for you. So many unknowns and variables. This is the time to trust even deeper. And walk through the imagined fear, doubt and worry. This is a growing moment for all of you. And as you know from other growing times in the is all worth it. You will be stronger, aligned in alive energy and will re-enter divine flow once again!" Ahhhhh.....I felt a sense of ease wash over me and I knew that all was well and in divine alignment. Trust, trust, trust. I took a deep breath again and fully acknowledged the ego voice that had crept into my awareness....time to let it go and surrender to this wonderful, miraculous moment and opportunity in front of me!

Thankfully Aria was a dream baby on the plane! And while she peacefully slept in my arms I had plenty of time to go inward and face the ego's fears. I once again became aware of change, taking risks, leaps of faith, stepping into the unfamiliar and unknown.....

Fear often stops us from walking into the unknown. Fear is created by the ego. And the ego wants us to be safe and sound exactly where we are. Some may think, "Ok, so why would this be a bad thing?" This self-preservation reaction sees EVERYTHING outside the norm as a threat. To the ego, anything new or unknown is scary. And not everything is of physical detriment to us. Most fear we experience in our modern world has to do with take a leap in our life....stepping into unfamiliar territory. Did you know this is the exact reaction process that stops most people from public speaking? For all the times I've done speaking gigs, I still experience waves of intense fear and anxiety and have a whole counter-process to help me move through it so that I can get out there and share!

On that plane a few days ago, I was experiencing self-preservation and fear....I had fallen into comfort (not that comfort is a bad thing)....comfortable in where we live, comfortable in my business, comfortable in the day-to-day functions. This comfort was stopping me from exploring, experiencing new things, growing and was time to shake things up. I was not willing to give up living and experiencing GREAT joy because of the ego or my fears! I made a choice to step past the ego fears and leap into the unfamiliar...and from here I GET TO GROW! Stretch! And experience such JOY, freedom and exhilaration! It all comes down to choice internally as to what to focus on....what part of your consciousness you want to run your life....and cultivating inner awareness to know the difference between your higher self thinking and actions and that of the ego.

An easy way to become aware of ALL your thoughts is to set aside 2 or 3 times a day when you can sit with a journal and pen and just write down all that you're aware of in your mind. Remember to leave any inner judgement at this door. We are simply observing! And as you turn your lens inward, you'll be able to see your thoughts right before you on a regular basis! Then....the next easy step is the choose a better feeling thought over any heavy, limiting or negative ones! You could think about anything.....butterflies, bunnies, rainbows, sunshine! As you entertain this practice will be begin to feel empowered and will start to direct the flow of your thoughts!!!! And then when that pesky little ego pops up to deter you from moments of growth, you'll be able to catch it and redirect it!

As I shifted my state of thoughts and being, I felt incredible JOY and GRATITUDE wash over me! When Aria woke up....her expression as she looked out the plane to see clouds at her level at the window and a BIG blue ocean below.....priceless! Her eyes were the size of golf balls, her mouth dropped open and a sound of pure delight, surprise and excitement emerged from her! She was sooooo amazed and happy! We could clearly see it in her!!!! This was worth everything!

Sometimes we want to try new things or adventure into uncharted waters for ourselves....and fear may arise.....the sneaky little ego voice telling us all the reasons why we shouldn't or why it's a bad idea or all the ways it won't go well or work. But....what if....just what ALL does work out? What if this is the BIG and AWESOME step you are meant to take!? What if the experience could exceptional??? What would you do then??

In my early 20's I worked as a Nurses Aid in a nursing home. I had the honour of chatting with many older people and we talked about life, regrets, last moments and things of that nature. I've also had the gift of being able to speak to loved ones past one to the other side about these same things. And all the living and the passed have shared the same insights......"Live, live, live! Life goes by so fast. In the blink of an eye. Experience everything you've ever wanted to because before you know it you'll be on to your next "BIG" adventure....the "BIGGEST" unknown you've ever known. And you really don't want to look back and say, I wish I would have.....Live now!"

I've done my very best to live by this and take leaps when I feel and hear the call. To step outside my comfort. To enter into many unknowns. And most importantly to savour and REALLY appreciate the moments....for example, Aria sleeping in my arms on a plane to Barbados, with Gabriel gently sleeping beside me as we take this adventure to work from the islands for 5 weeks together as a family. I looked down at Aria's peaceful face and tears welled up.....I could feel the divine presence of this simple and beautiful moment! Forever imprinted in my mind! A moment to savour!

How will you savour life? What changes are you ready to face? What leaps are you ready take? How can you REALLY live BIG in a way that has the wind blowing through your hair and brings a HUGE smile to your face????

You are fully, fully, fully supported to LIVE the BIGGEST and GREATEST experience of LIFE possible!!!!!! This is no tomorrow...only today, now, this moment! Maybe it's a change your thoughts, maybe it's a shift in perspective, maybe it's a physical action step.....whatever calls you from within - from that deep heart and soul-knowing place....take a step...go for it!!!! Like a cat you'll always land on soft padding below....or if you believe in angels....your wings will stretch and help you take flight with soft landing once again!!!!

MASSIVE MASSIVE love and bright guiding light your way!!!!
Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary & Author of "The Healing Manual"

P.S. While we're down south we are still available to be of service to you! Thank goodness for internet and the ability to do phone / video sessions!!!!! The above pic was taken from our front yard in Barbados while teaching the Course in Advanced Healing with a dear client, Jeanne!!!! What a sweet "office" to work from and channel high vibe light through!!!

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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