Subject: Have you ever had one of those days.....

Hello beautiful!!!!
Have you ever had one of those days.....when EVERYTHING seems to go sideways? (not in your favour) Today was one of those started with me feeling REALLY off. Everything felt like a push-to-get-done. I could have listen to my inner gut / instinct and take the day off....but instead I went against myself....and attempted to push through the day.

Everything seemed to go to crap regardless of how much I tried to move forward. The icing on the cake....being overcharged for my business email. I request a refund...which successfully happens. I pause for lunch and return to NO emails....NO access to my biz email....and it doesn't exist anymore! I try not to freak out. Look for a number to call....of course....the world we're moving into has no physical people to talk to for help and I begin a never-ending loop from one click to the next to next to then circle back to the original page I was directed to : (

I finally get my email back by reactivating my account, paying for 1 month of service (4X the amount that's listed online) until I can get a human on the phone. What is happening with customer support these days?

Doing my best to maintain my cool....both boys wake up...with only 2, 20 minute naps today...which means constant crying from 2 babies! I know my frustration energy spills out to my family, the house, the kids...and then spins back and spits out at wonder they are fussy today! I could go on with other crazy-pull-you-hair-out kinda day examples....but I don't want to stress YOU out too!

Instead....let's get to the grain of goodness through the craziness! What do you do in situations like this? In all honesty....I freaked out....I lost my cool....I got frustrated. I didn't scream...but wanted to. I dropped a few f-bombs!....Ok...maybe about 20 in 3 minutes!

Here's a quick and easy way to reset your day...regardless as to far into your crazy day you've gone.....
  • First....stop....pause and stop fighting the flow or going against the grain...doing so only spins the wheels of crazy faster and faster!
  • Second....ask these questions, "Okay....what's being asked of me right now? What is this energy showing me? What am I going against?" You will uncover what's really being asked of you....from your divine, higher self, truth and clarity. Not every day has to be push, creative, bursting, driving, high vibe. Sometimes we are asked to pause, slow down, rest, recharge. When I stopped.... regrouped... refocused.... and listened it was clear. Yesterday was an amazing high vibe day of creation! I got soooooo much done! Felt amazing! I was riding a creative high! From all that Source has been telling me lately about creation/manifestation....we have entered a polarizing effect! For every day of creation, there's a day of rest. It only makes sense that today is the balancing energy of rest and slow down and "just be where I am" kind of a day....with my kiddies and be present to them! Not pushing to be somewhere or something else!
  • Third....whatever clarity you get from the above questions....listen. Take the necessary step to reset and honour whatever is being given or shown to you! The moment you do, everything will calm. Your internal body and being will BE at ease and the circulating "crazy" energy will cease. You (and everyone around you) will feel calm, cool and breezy. All will be well! And you will be back in Divine flow! Yay!
It only took me until 6 pm to figure this out today! (ha!) And when I slowed down to honour what was being directed and guided, I heard my higher self laugh and say to me, "Congrats! You have honoured yourself! You listened! Now the next time this comes up...and it will....may you remember so that you can listen, reset and honour faster than today's events!"

Thankfully....with over 17 years of mindfulness and spiritual practice and tools under my this moment I'm able to laugh at today's events and chalk it UP to GREAT learning, soul expansion and growth! And....I get to share some of the pearls with you!

a day of creative high and day of rest....balance. listen. be still. harmonize. stop questioning. trust.

Sending MASSIVE love, respect and nurturing energy your way. Be gentle with yourself in this time of growth. We are expanding exponentially. If you have a creative high okay with a low energy may be the very thing you need to rebalance, love and nurture YOU. Listen. Be still. Allow your higher self to harmonize you! And TRUST! You are freakin' AWESOME!

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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