Subject: Happy Winter Solstice! It's happening TODAY!......

Hello beautiful Soul-Traveler!!! And happy Winter Solstice!!!!!

This is one of my favourite and most magical times of the year!!! A powerful and sacred time of inner reflection, inner cleansing and massive re-alignment to the new version of self that we wish to bring forward in the world in this next cycle!!!

I was sharing with a new client and friend yesterday a magical experience that Gabriel and I had when living in Ireland prior to Gabriel's permanent residence came through.....It was one of those divinely orchestrated events that created a beautiful domino-effect! We were in Wexford, Southern Ireland, at a quaint cafe - open mic night. Gabriel got up to sing and from there we were approached by several amazing, soulful people....talking about spirituality and things of that nature. 

Within minutes we were invited to Huntington Castle on Dec 18th for an early Winter Solstice meditation, healing and initiation into a beautiful spiritual community run by a 90-some-year-young goddess-high-priestess! Of course we said YES! And LOVED every moment....pure magic! On that day we met some wonderful new friends, who we later stayed with, and invited us to a small Winter Solstice gathering at an ancient Druid "church"! WOW! I was in heaven!!!!!

Imagine......driving through winding hills and roads, on a quiet dark winter night, in the middle of Irish forests with very few houses in sight. We were warmly welcomed, enjoyed a lovely potluck dinner and then the winter solstice celebration and ceremony began. We all walked outside in silence and followed the snowy path, lit up by candlelight only......arriving at an old, stone "church" with four basic walls and no roof. We enter into the circle of Druid chants and prayers.....chills running through my entire body....I looked up while holding Gabriel's hand.....and millions of stars lit the night sky and blessed me (us) from above! 

We released the shedding of snakes skin....."threw" them into the fire....and then set powerful intentions for the new that was before us. We collectively stood in silence and prayer and received the energetic blessings that were tangibly streaming in!!!! It was PURE MAGIC!!!!! A night I'll never forget!!!! sharing this.....I know it's a busy time of year with holiday gatherings, shopping, family,'s a VERY POWERFUL 24 hour time period.....a time that is divinely created for us....that is and has been celebrated by spiritual groups around the world for eons. A sacred time for renewal and cleansing! And if we want our outer world to be beautiful and flowing, we NEED to tend to our inner world! This is the PERFECT TIME to maximize the energetic support all around us and tap into the amplification of spiritual energy to guide us! 

Can you carve out a little time for YOU....your higher you....the sacred you??? Meditate, pray, intention set, sing, dance, play....something, some way to connect to the divine and receive!??
And.....if you want to connect to a conscious circle tonight....I'm hosting a SPECIAL WINTER SOLSTICE CLEANSING & CREATING ONLINE CLASS & MEDITATION!!!!! From 7 - 8:30 pm. And if you can't make it live.....everything will be recorded and you can receive all the high vibes and goodness from the class!!!!! I'd LOVE to have you join us!!!! It's only $30....and the link is HERE to register! are a divine spark of pure light and goodness! And the Universe / Spirit / Source / Creator / God wants you to thrive and be well, wonderful and blissfully happy!!!!!

Sending you MASSIVE LIGHT for this magical darkest night of the year!!!!!
Tara Antler
Expert Coach in "LEAP"
Author of "The Healing Manual - A Guide to Healing"

intuitive healer, soul coach, love-ignitor, international speaker, meditation facilitator

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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