Subject: Happy Second Day of Spring!!

Time for Renewal & Rebirth!
Hello beautiful!!!!

Happy second day of Spring!!! The Spring Equinox is one of my favourite times of year!!! It's a wonderful time for renewal, rebirth, and regeneration!! YAY!!!!

It has been a while since I wrote.....I've been wildly busy over the past few months....getting the house and life ready to receive baby (due to arrive any day now!!), wrapping up Reiki courses, completing the Expand Intuition LIVE workshop, creating online systems to run my biz once Aria Sky arrives, organizing a fabulous retreat this summer in Ontario....and still seeing clients regularly! It amazes me ALL that we can create in a short time frame!

In all honesty, authenticity and transparency.....with baby due any day...this past week I was feeling extra weight, sluggishness and pressure to "get it all done" (biz, house and baby-prep)....I was feeling frustrated and starting to hear thoughts that were quite hard and harsh on myself. When I paused yesterday morning I could totally see that this experience was reflecting outdated, sluggish beliefs I recognized from the past. And I immediately knew it was time to clean my "internal house". Put aside the "to-do lists" and take care of what is way more important....the internal framework, the "internal biz"....the one world that is MOST essential to getting EVERYTHING else done with ease and joy.

Sooooo.....Yesterday morning I took time to reflect on what was holding me back, and clear and reset the thoughts that were not feeling great....releasing all the outdated beliefs I was holding onto and that were surfacing and chose to breathe in thoughts of ease, grace, love, kindness, trust. I allowed my internal world to shift and elevate....and immediately felt lighter!!!! I then remembered it was officially spring! Perfect timing!!

And I offer to you the mantra that I've been repeating since yesterday: "I reawaken to my full, shining, radiant, light-filled self in refreshed ways!!" I hope you take the time to regenerate in whatever way you need to as well! If there was ANY time to reset....the next week would be it!!!!


P.S....In flowing with creation there are some amazing things for you to plug into to help create the shifts that you desire this year!!! See below for details and message me if you have any questions.....

Expanded Intuition - Online + Support

Our live Intuition Class was AMAZING! Soooo much expansion and JOY! The next live class will be held in June....however....if you're feeling called to increase your intuition, tap into your guides, hear the divine messages that flow from your higher self, curious about angel/tarot card reading.....You can dive in now and enjoy the online-self-study course!!! It is just as powerful! And I've created an option to include additional one-on-one support!

All the details are on my the pink link below or message me for more information!

Summer Soul Awakening Retreat in Ontario!

We are super excited to bring to you a Soul Awakening Retreat in Ontario...this one of my favourite places in the whole world! Northern Ontario, on the Ottawa River, at the edge of the most northern part of Algonquin Park! This retreat will begin Friday at noon and complete Monday at noon....a beautiful extended weekend of soulful goodness, yoga, meditation, qi gong, soul sessions, exploring waterfalls, lounging on the beach, and time to reconnect to nature in the most serene way!

Details will be posted on my website this week! If you intersted in attending, we are lovingly accepting a maximum of 13 people!
Inner Alchemy - Total Self Healing

Two years ago I launched a powerful online Self Healing Program which totally transformed the lives of those who participated! Over the past few months I've refreshed the format, the name and the way it's delivered and it's ready to go!

Healing and inner transformation is such a vital part of our awakening! It offers us freedom, vitality, health and radiance! And although I'll be taking some physical down time to connect with baby when she arrives....I wanted to make sure that you had access to heal and transform in the meantime!

This program is one of my favourites!!! Sooooo much goodness and energy has been pumped into it! If you're feeling the call to shift your inner and out world and really step into a state of wellbeing, I invite you to take part in this Inner Alchemy Total Self Healing journey! There's a new option to receive one-on-one support as well!!!!

Upcoming Courses to think about....

This summer I'll be offering two powerful, amazing and life-expanding certification programs:
- IGNITE LIFE Coaching to Mentoring Program - starting in JULY
- IGNITE TRANSFORMATION Master Healer Program - starting in JUNE

Both programs are over  50 hours....offering tools, insights and modalities for those who want to be of loving service as a coach, mentor, facilitator, and/or healer! I'm currently accepting registration! If you're interested....please use the above links to get all the details!
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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