Subject: Happy New Moon! And...what are you doing tomorrow at noon?

Hello beautiful! Happy New Moon eve!
How are you?? How has today unfolded for you?

Today's new moon energy has been lovely...supported...nourishing....and smoothly creative! As with all new's a divine time to set new intentions, re-engage and invigorate your intentions, dreams, desires and creations! And being that this new moon sits in Aquarius - humanity's lover sign - we are being asked / encouraged to create through higher heart, higher love, higher awareness....and...merge our individual vision with the collective/earth/humanity!

It's a powerful time for unity and community! And even if you're not able to physically see and touch or be with your physical peeps and are always connected to each other by energy!

Soooooo....go higher....lean in deeper....tune in to the energy current that connect your higher self to their higher self and feel the presence of all those you love! And then consciously dream into a beautiful creation that feels sooooooo good! Sooooo elevated! Sooooooo creatively free and expressive! Soooooooo beautiful!
New Moon Ritual
Today I purchased the above goat's milk, lavender handmade soap by a local creative goddess (thank you Tamra Turcotte of Crescent Creations) and a lovely ritual that I'm going to do shortly that you can use and adapt is:
  • write down or sit and feel all the beautiful things you want to create for self, family, life and the world
  • breathe into them....really allow yourself to merge with them....feel them as already a part of you!
  • and then bathe or shower.....cleansing, purifying, receiving, be nourished by the water all around you. Water element is so moves soothes can hold us....It also amplifies electrical essence....your thoughts! Your thoughts are electrical in nature! As you connect to water think and feel the creative thoughts you want to experience and trust, know and allow the water to amplify them!
Let yourself be nourished, loved, and supported today! Let the water-bearer of the Aquarian lover energy hold you and rinse over you! You are loved!

BIG BIG beautiful hugs!
P.S. What are you doing tomorrow at noon EST???? Two of our amazing goddess-team-members, Cassandra and Alexandra, are hosting a free and special creation Zoom Session! Amplify Abundance Soul Session!!!!! It's going to be a beautiful session....and perfect timing to support your creations and manifestations!!!!

intuitive healers, spiritual guides & teachers, international speakers
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Published Author

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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