Subject: Getting ready for a NEW YEAR!!!

Getting Ready for a NEW Year!!!
I love this time of year!....As it presents a powerful time to release and shake off the old of 2014...and begin to align ourselves with new intentions, new possibilities, new ideas and new creations from deep within....And create a brand new year...2015!

The winter has always been such a mysterious, magical time for me....and so I'd love to share that magical, playful, creative, take-a-leap feeling with you as you get ready to CREATE A NEW YEAR! It's your time to create something AMAZING & WONDERFUL!!!....And you are FULLY supported in sooooo many ways!!!
Ignite Light & Passion from within!

I love to do Meditation to tap into a higher, expanded version of myself. In connecting we have an opportunity to "see" more clearly who we are and receive INsight as to what our next steps are.

Click the download button below to access a free meditation on connecting to your higher self!
Receive Your Gifts & Write them down!

Once you tap into that unlimited energy sit down with a beautiful notebook, put on some music that inspires you and stream (write down) all the ideas that flow through your consciousness.
Have some fun with this!
It's time to open the gifts that await you!

You deserve all the beauty, magic and abundance that exists!

Take a few minutes to feel into the emotions and excitement of what it would feel like to actually receive these gifts!! What would it feel like to have these ideas come to fruition?! To arrive in your life?!
Time to Trust & Celebrate!

Once we actively create, it's time to release the ideas into the Universe and trust....Trust that IT IS ALREADY DONE! That your intentions and ideas will BE....that they already exist in an energetic form! And now is the time to trust that it will arrive in the perfect, exact moment that is in the HIGHEST AND BEST GOOD FOR YOU!!!

And then.....CELEBRATE!!!! Celebrate all that is, all that has been create, all that was experienced in 2014....and ALL THAT WILL BE EXPERIENCED IN 2015!!!
Make This Year Unforgettable, Magical, Spectacular!

I've already been dreaming up a magical and remarkable 2015!! Being a year of 8....I'm sooooooo ready for magic, manifestation and miracles on every level!!!! And I'd LOVE to share as many of them with you!!! That's one of my favourite share creation, joy, abundance and energy with others!

Here are some up-coming things to keep an eye open to.....

  • Costa Rica Retreat - Soul Awakening....Activating Your Inner Alchemist!!!
  • Soul Awakening Facilitator Training Program!!!
  • Redesign of Self Healing Program >>> Empowered Self Healing!!!
  • Creating a Magical 2015 Workshop end of January in Toronto!!!
I would LOVE to hear what you're creating this year!!!!


2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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