Subject: {FREE} Shift It! 15 Minute Miracles from the Masters!

Happy Monday!

I hope you're feeling the lift after last week's SUPER FULL Moon! I've definitely felt lighter and more clear in every area of life....and still allowing the "coat-tails" of the old to shed like the skin of snake.

As we prepare for the upcoming holidays (Christmas and for those in the USA, the American Thanksgiving)'s important to stay centred in higher truth, take time for self care and BREATHE! It's sooooo easy to get wrapped up and swept up in the emotional whirl of the holidays....I know I felt a rush of it yesterday....after doing a little Christmas shopping with my mom. My parents surprised us with a lovely visit this weekend and we've had a wonderful and running around can take a lot of ya! Aria slept over 12 hrs last night and we were only out-and-about for a few hours!

To help you stay centred in clarity and calm....I have a LOVING and SPECIAL GIFT to share with you! Another FREE one!

Tips from the Masters on How to Manifest more Happiness and Power in Your Life! 15 minutes a day to restore your balance and feel more joy!

My friend and colleague, Kate Crow, has produced this amazing FREE online interview series to help you form new perspectives around miracles and ALL that IS POSSIBLE! Kate conducted interviews with an amazing group of master teachers and I am honored to be one of them...featured on Day 2, December 2nd! She has gathered Experts in the arts of happiness, abundance, love and wellness....who share their wisdom on how to flourish.

Get tips and mindset practices that you can implement immediately to improve your outlook, to feel happier, attract the holiday season you want, how to increase joy and manifest every day miracles. 
You can listen to 15 Minute Miracles over your morning coffee, on your way to work, or making dinner.

You will receive daily bursts of inspiration that really can change your life.

Click here (or below) to sign up and get 15 Minute Miracles delivered to your inbox.

Blessing your daily life with miracles and pure goodness!!!!!! 
BIG BIG hugs!

P.S. I'm holding another Reiki 1 class before the end of the year!!!! If you're's happening in Toronto! Message me for details : )

P.S.S. If you're feeling to get away this may want to consider a RETREAT! And not just any retreat....A Soul Awakening Retreat with daily meditation, yoga, qi gong, soul sessions and of course time to relax, rest, restore and enjoy the ocean and beach! We fly down to Barbados very soon and have room for 4 more people! still have 10 DAYS LEFT to save over $500 on your registration! Message me for details! 

(this is the view of our retreat villa!)

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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