Subject: Emotional IQ....Emotional Transference....

Hi love! How are you?
There are soooooo many things I want to share with you! Things that have been positively happening in both personal and business life! (the above pic was from an early 6 am cuddle with the boys!) The twins are crawling and walking around standing objects already! You place them down, turn your head and 2 seconds later....both gone!....One over here, one over there! We've been having fun with their beautiful and unique personalities! Soooooo much laughter! I've been posting videos and pics of them on FB....if you want to check them out!

Then....this happened.....
A video interview that I did with my dad went VIRAL! First time EVER!

It all started with a desire to want to help. Where I grew up (Northern Ontario)....the Ottawa River has undergone MASSIVE flooding in most areas (millions of dollars in damage and thousands of homes lost) and severe drought in other areas, like at my family's lodge....costing tens of thousands of dollars of income lost each weekend because boats can't go into the water. It's really sad to watch. My dad was given an initial 90 seconds on a big Ottawa radio station to share what was going on and offer the solution to the problem.....I was shocked and thought, " can I help?" The answer....invite him onto my regular Facebook Live show and give him a platform to share and speak!

I couldn't have imagined what happened next! Thousands of shares, thousands of views....and a HUGE movement got created from this one action! Tens of thousands of people across Canada have been linking arms, supporting one another, demanding answers, rising UP to help and.....requesting that my dad run for the governing board for the Ottawa River!

It has been soooooo wonderful to know that we can make a difference and that together a powerful movement like this can make positive waves and help soooooooo many! You can watch the video here:
And....for the mamas out there....You will LOVE this! I started a Soulful Super Mom Circle!!!!!! Two weeks ago....we meet every Tuesday and support one another! Laugh, shake stuff off, offer insight, and remember that we're not alone! There's energy healing, meditation, tools to shift and lift....and all around love to and from each person in the circle!

If you're feeling like you want to plug in to some love, support, high vibes and know that you're not alone in this mommy world....get connected! Go to: to register!

And last, but certainly not least....Today's Plug IN & Power UP on Facebook is all about Emotional and Energetic transference.....What is this? Does it happen to everyone? How do you manage it?

Learning how to manage and handle our emotions is soooooooo crucial to human life! And life that is easy and flowing! Join me (or catch the replay) at noon today:

Sending MASSIVE light and joyful awesomeness your way!
P.S. Together WE CAN make change in the world! When something moves you, motivates you, pulls you, calls to you....take action! Take a step toward it! Do something! You never know where that step will lead....or how BIG of an impact you might have on the world or in the lives of other people! You / We are that powerful!

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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