Subject: Do you think money blocks could be connected to past lives?

Hi beautiful!!!!
Happy Monday! I hope you had a loving and nourishing weekend :)
I wanted to touch base before we jumped into our week.....

Last week, during a soulful business container session.....the following question surfaced: "Do you think money blocks could be connected to past lives?"

It opened up a GREAT conversation!

The answer that was consistent for everyone there....was YES! 100%! Just like "stuff" from our past in this lifetime can cause a thorn in our side if not cleared out of our framework, subconscious and energy field....sometimes if the past-past (past life past) was REALLY intense around money, abundance, wealth, etc...... can carry over from lifetime to lifetime until we have the awareness and tools to heal and clear it completely!

The next question that followed was, "Is it possible to clear the past life stories? And how?"

All GREAT questions!

The answer: YES! Just as we clear, heal and release from "stuff" from this lifetime.....we can heal and easily release stuff from other lifetimes. It doesn't need to take long....It doesn't need to take a lifetime!

Gabriel and I LOVE to use guided meditation, past life regression, light-clearing-techniques and then powerfully re-creating your now and future!

We both have guided hundreds of past life regressions! They are always soooooo fascinating and powerful! Freeing and clearing! You know the feeling of clearing a whole closet of this lifetimes "stuff" and spaciousness!

......Now imagine the beauty and magnitude of clearing weight carried from past lives...sometimes through hundreds of lifetimes like a domino......

Wow! HUGE! Infinitely expansive! powerful that kind of a shift could be for your energetic connection to money, wealth, abundance and prosperity......How much more space you'd have to receive divine abundance! It would be like opening the abundance flood gates!

It you're resonating with what I'm sharing here today.....I would LOVE to invite you to a special paid Masterclass that Gabriel and I are hosting this coming Thursday, July 21st at 7 pm EST on Zoom!
  • 90 min recorded live session
  • a sacred, safe space to guide you through a past life regression to heal any remaining blocks around money
  • the recording will be sent out after so that you can download it and revisit when you want

Super honoured to create this space for you! It's magic in the making! A co-creative response to a powerful conversation from the soulful biz conversation!

I love when Spirit-Creator aligns it all so perfectly!

There are already over 70 people registered!

Have a sweet and soulful day!
Tara, King Gabriel and your Light Ascension Team!
P.S. If you know feel called to share this powerful masterclass with anyone in your world....simply share this email or the following link:

Once you and they'll have access to an immediate download of the Zoom link + some easy Soul-work to get you ready for Thursday!
Co-Founders of Ascension Academy of Light
Spiritual Centre for growth, expansion & elevation!

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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