Subject: 🌟Do you need a certification to coach or heal? 🌟

Hi Radiant Being!

We get this question A LOT.....
Do you need a certification to coach?

Do you need certificates to heal, assist or help in someone's transformation?

You / We choose to do this "work" because you / we are naturally called and drawn to help, inspire, elevate, serve and ignite others! It's internal. It's by Divine Design.

.....A natural-born healer or coach.....
.....Intuitively and naturally drawn to the mystical....
.....Drawn to crystals, intuition and the healing arts.....
.....Feel called to support others in some capacity....

That’s all you!
That’s naturally within you!
That's the Higher Call within you nudging you into motion!

And then...... want to Elevate! Refine! Define! Master! Expand!

I have felt all of this too!

A natural born healer aware of the power to heal and transform others through love, hugs, light and energy.

When I was 5....I was aware that I could shift someone’s emotional state through care and love.....

When I was 14.....I became awake to energy that moved all around all of us and through us! And self-studied yoga and meditation during a time when yoga and meditation wasn't well-known.

When I was 16, 17, 18, 19.....I was highly dialed into my intuition and received so many “downloads”, visions and premonitions! Some of them not so great.....

When I was 3rd year University.....I knew for sure I wanted to be a healer! I was was Divinely was a strong call!

What happened next.....?
It was exceptional! Soulfully aligned! Grounding and expanding at the same time!
I found a beautiful holistic college and studied!
I delved deep into mastering all sorts of modalities!
It felt magical! Wonderful! Elevating!

Eager to learn!
Humble to grow......and learn from other incredible teachers and mentors who had walked this path for 20 - 30 years before me!

Excited to support and serve.....whether that be through case studies or seeing my first clients when I was 24! (and 21 years later.....have “worked” with over 14000 clients 1-1!)

I found my path and a powerful calling! I felt like the HAPPIEST girl on the planet!

I got certified in the many modalities!
I personally practiced each of them to shift, heal, transform, forgive and release sooooooo many things from my own life!

I grew!
I mastered!
I played!
I practiced!
I served!
I experienced!
I witnessed.......sooooooo MUCH!

All of this happened because I said 3 powerful YES'es:
1. YES to the Divine Calling that was given to me!
2. YES to listen and be guided to my next step that would align it all!
3. YES to embody the teachings and practices and share them with the world!

It's still sooooo mind-blowing the life and path I have chosen and walked!
........And.....I’m still as excited today as I was back then! you need to get certified in anything to make a difference? No. You are most likely already making a positive impact in the world around you!

Does it help to have really exceptional tools to move you and your clients faster? Yes!!!

Does it feel amazing, empowering and validating to have exceptional mentors to guide you?! Yes! Absolutely!!!!

Does your life move faster and powerfully with loving guidance and soul support?! Yes!

You are here to fulfill a mission! A purpose! A calling!

Are you ready to answer the call?
Are you ready to rise?

If yes.....I invite you to consider Ascension Coach Healer! A powerful certification program led by Gabriel and I (and some sacred guest facilitators) over 6 months!
It only takes 5.40 minutes to complete!

We just started our 6th cohort.....with the next module releasing on Saturday!

This is YOUR time!
.....To rise!
.....To fulfill!
.....To make a positive , powerful impact in the world!!!!

Sending Soooooooo MUCH LOVE and beautiful energy your way!
Co-Founders of Ascension Academy of Light
Spiritual Centre for growth, expansion & elevation!

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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