Subject: Did you know we lived in our grandmother cellularly for 5 months!?

Hi Friend  :)
Happy post weekend (long weekend for those in Canada)! I hope you are feeling more aligned and internally clear after all the cosmic sandwiching we've been experiencing.....wowzers! What an emotional roller coaster for sooooooo many.

Before we dive on in to some high vibe insights that flowed into my awareness last week.....I wanted to give you a quick pregnancy update! We're all well and wonderful! I'm 35 weeks this Wednesday! Our team of care providers, Gabriel and I would be over-joyed to make it to 37 weeks....which is what I keep hearing intuitively! Sending prayers and love for a healthy remaining pregnancy and easy-flowing delivery! I'm creating more and more time for naps, rest, feet up, a very loving and gentle yoga practice and meditation to prepare my mind for delivery.

The twins are moving more visably now as they prepare themselves for the birth canal! What a wild and amazing ride this has been. So much learning, expansion, surprises and growth!
One of the cool insights that came to me through some emotional clearing and meditating last week....the layers deep within us that have been carried on and forward from our ancestors. I noticed myself getting easily triggered and frustrated with Aria (she's feeling the changes that are fast approaching AND moving through her own emotional pulls and sways). I found myself having these knee-jerk reactions, things flying out of my mouth that sounded just like my mom and grandma.....and I was shocked!

I had practiced soooooooo deeply in myself and life a conscious, soulful approach to life and people....most often choosing compassion, grace and love......And here I was shocked, feeling guilty, feeling terrible.....for this surprising way of speaking to her. I immediately went within, cleared and meditated. I cried....I remembered certain parenting things that were said and done when I was a child....and I chose to clear the patterns of the past. I did not want to carry the wounds of the past into my now or future or into Aria. I wanted to be complete! I wanted to return to clarity! I wanted to return to soulfulness!

I called on my Higher Self and Creator and asked that they flow through me in every way.....that this higher consciousness flow into my parenting and strengthen my ability to show up as a soulfully aligned parent to Aria. She deserved love. She deserved compassion. She deserved freedom from the past.....just as much as I.

It was super powerful! What a shift within me....and Aria's reaction to the energy that I was emitting completely changed! Our little ones are sooooooo aware, receptive and perceptive to the energies around them! It becomes our responsability to heal, navigate and nourish our own energy field, mind, emotional states and triggers! So that we don't spill them over into and onto the next generation!
I then received an email from a friend from Australia sharing a beautiful post around the wisdom and wounds of the mamma....that we lived in our grandmother cellularly for 5 months! I was sooooooo inspired by this (and the divine synchronicity around it was perfect!) I decided to do a Facebook LIVE to unpack this topic a little deeper.....You can catch it HERE ==>

I hope you enjoy it!!!! Such high vibe profoundness!

LOVING YOU! And holding sacred mamma space for YOU!

Let me know what you think and feel after watching it!

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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