Subject: Day 3 - Spirit Led Life....Where does your energy come from?

Hi Friend

How was your Spirit Led Life today??? How is your week unfolding? I'm always curious....when we pick UP a new usually takes about 3 days to start seeing wonderful / positive changes in our life....Anything shifting for you?

"Where does your energy come from???"

There's getting energized by coffee or from Source-Force!

People always ask me how I do it all! How do I manage to run my business, see clients, teach classes, tend to life and be a mom to twins and a 3 year-young.....They then say, "You must drink A LOT of coffee?!"'s ALL spirit baby! It's something I like to call Source-force!

Don't get me wrong...I LOVE coffee....AND I don't rely on it for my energy!

Tiredness actually comes from being worn by life or the circling of our mind.

So do we avoid the over-stimulation from a caffeine buzz and begin to super charge ourselves by Spirit?.....

Let Spirit Lead Your Life today!!!!!!
"The Reading of the Day".....

I "randomly" chose the Life Purpose cards by Doreen Virtue! I've always loved her cards. Easy to use and always spot on!

At first when I drew the card...I was like, "Huh?"! It didn't make logical sense....but that's Spirit for's not about what logically looks's about the message, flow and trusting what was given! So here goes.....
"....will benefit from adding animals into the mix. For instance, having a pet onsite at yuur store or office will open everyone's heart and bring joy to all...." (from the deck)

My reading for you around this card:
"Be like an animal today! They remember their truth! They remember and know their Source! They know how to recharge, re-energize and recalibrate. Not by going to some external stimulant or artificial substance that alters consciousness, energy and nervous system....They know how to tune and tap into the infinite well-spring of life force energy!"

Sending beautiful life-supporting energy your way today!

Have a sweet and soulful night : )
P.S. As always.....want to share the high vibes with those in your world? Here's the link to pass along.....

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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