Subject: Day 2 - Spirit Led Life....You Do YOU!

Hi Friend!!!
Excited for Day 2!?? I hope so....because it's ALL about YOU!!!! Yes....that's right! YOU! The beautiful YOU! The expanded YOU! The higher self YOU!

If you missed the FB Live.....Here's the link:

"You Do YOU!"

Have you ever tried to be someone else?....Be something or someone that you're not? Usually based on what we think we "should" be or by someone else's standards, beliefs or thoughts about who we could be.....

I think most of us have gone through this to some degree. Think back to when you were a little one between ages 6 - 10. People around you already had a view of you....already had an idea of who you were and who you were to become. For example....when I was younger people around me always viewed me as intelligent, smart, strong, brave, independent. All true. And it served me well when my own teachers expected that I would always do well. I liked that feeling. I loved when I could live up to that expectation....when "they" were proud. But what happened when I couldn't or didn't? Severe feeling of I had let someone down....and over-seeking everyone else's approval over loving, honouring and appreciating myself!

This pattern still pops up for me on occasion....wanting other teachers or leaders to see me, recognize me and pat me on the back, "You did good!". If I let this go unchecked....I found myself looking to others to tell me what to do....what path to take....I stepped out of myself and into someone else's thoughts for me.

When we do this...we leave ourselves OPEN for other's feedback...endless and often unwanted. Not all feedback is positive or helpful. When I was teaching at the Transformational Arts College....which I LOVED....we would get teacher's feedback forms after a course would complete. Almost always positive feedback....and ONE "negative" bit....It sent all the other 29 positives down the tube!

We need to STOP with the opinions of others and "You do YOU!" If we bend over backwards, contort ourselves....we'll never really know us! (You / me)

Really....truly.....YOU ARE AMAZING! You are a GIFT to this planet! You have a divine, beautiful, unique spark that can only ever be or display as YOU! So for today....stop trying to be someone else! Stop trying to bend this way and that to be what someone else wants you to be! Stop being what you're not and step into who and what you ALREADY ARE! Your soul / higher self knows you and is always shining that to you!

Let your Higher Self guide you, flow into you and help you remember who you are!
"The Reading of the Day".....

I "randomly" chose the Rumi Oracle cards! My dear goddess friend Andrea Mullens gifted them to me on our Barbados retreat a few years ago!

The cards for today are "Layla" and "You, Who Show the Way"! Again, love the alignment!
"How I long for my thoughts to no longer make any sense to me! Then I can be rid of them, like noisy house guests who have overstayed their welcome. Oh the peace when they finally go! I crave the silence of you. Will you let me hear it? Will you run through the noisy house of my mind with your great muddy feet so that I can focus on something other than my mind for a while? Maybe you can make such a mess that I shall give up my plans and attempts at order completely. Just give in for a change. It's time for that."(from the deck)

"The logical mind runs away from drowning. Lovers accept drowning in the sea as their destiny. The logical mind finds consolation in reaching a level of comfort in life. Lovers are focused beyond their own comfort." (from the deck)

My reading for you around these cards:
"Embrace your higher spirit and truth! You are the galaxy, the universe, the all. You are powerful. Open to receive all that you are! When you do, you become the lighthouse in your life and for the world! It is YOU, the Higher YOU that guides the way to clarity and smooth sailing!"

This is life led by Soul / Higher Self / Spirit!

Have a sweet and soulful day! "See" you tomorrow : )
P.S. Again...we LOVE sharing the high vibes! Pass along the link to your friends and family who need a little "soul-boost"! The more we get to shift and lift...the more bliss we all get to experience!

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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