Subject: Day 1 - Spirit Led Life....Let Your Higher Self Drive....

Hi Friend

Super joyful to begin Day 1 of The Spirit-Led Life Series!!!! Yay!!!!! Are you feeling the high vibes and flowing goodness?!

If you missed the FB Live.....Here's the link:

"What happens when we let our Higher Self drive the vehicle!!!!"

I love when we release and let go...Spirit redirects our flow! We had full intentions of going up to Haliburton area to have some chill time with friends....the more we attempted to get ready....the more something worked against us. By the time we got into the car it was already 3/330.

As we drove up the hwy....the boys were NOT happy being in their car seats....With 2 babies asleep and the other screaming....I finally said to Gabriel, "Ok...let's re-jig this. Let's stop at Weber's, grab burgers and go from there!" Immediately....I felt the pressure release off my body, heart and mind. I could breathe! I felt pressure...ease return. (yes....a little disappointment and frustration....but it was clear I had to let go).

As we followed the flow....we found ourselves at one of the beaches in Orillia! Had a lovely walk, enjoyed the water and beach! And the best part...we serendipitously ran into a friend who I haven't seen in years! Our kids got to run around together and I got some much needed girl time!

Love when spirit leads our life!
"The Reading of the Day".....

I "randomly" chose the Keys of Arcturians cards by Janosh! I LOVE these cards!!! One of my favs! I've had them for close to 15 years and had the honour of attending one of Janosh's workshops in Toronto! (Spoiler alert....for everyone who registers for the Soul INsights pkg within the 7 Days of Spirit-Led Life.....You're going to receive a deck of these cards as a gift!!!!! And a video tutorial on how to energetically, vibrationally and cellularly work with these cards! Private message/email me if you're already a SOUL YES!)

I LOVE that the card I chose today is the "RELEASE" card! So divinely perfect!
"The energy of Release shows the real you and takes away the prejudices about yourself. In this way - and through your altered thought patterns - your brain triggers your DNA to develop it further." (from the deck)

My reading for you around this card:
"It's time to release and let go. Releasing the old patterns that no longer serve you or your life. Letting go to the Divine will, giving way to the Higher Will to enter in. Today I release and let of the old and open to the Divinity and truth that is ME!"

This is life led by Soul / Higher Self / Spirit! Super cool! Super beautiful!

Have a sweet and soulful day!
P.S. Feel open to share the following link with your friends and family who need a little "soul-boost" in their life! The more we get to shift and lift...the more bliss we all get to experience!

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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