Subject: Day 1 & 2 case you've just joined the Soul Navigation Challenge!

In case you missed the email or are just joining us.....Here's a quick recap of Day 1 & 2!!!....

To kick-off our Soul Nav Challenge.....I figure....go BIG or go HOME! And....being that we're starting on SUNday....traditionally known as a family or holy day by many cultures of the past....We are beginning with Spirituality and the Higher Self!

YOUR SOUL STEP for today:
We want to allow our Higher Self to flow through our life more frequently! This will create MASSIVE shifts in how our life unfolds, what flows into our life and our ability to move through ANYTHING that comes our way! The best, easy-to-implement practice that comes to mind is....
  • Meditation!!! I've included one here for help you access your higher self and set the foundation to your spirituality! Access the meditation HERE.
  • Frequently / randomly throughout your day....I'd love for you to be aware of how you feel. And if you're not feeling great or doesn't matter why or where it came from. Immediately refocus your thoughts or inner awareness on something that brings about a feeling of joy.....could be on a rainbow, the beach, a pet, your fav place in the world or a positive memory. And hold this mind state for at least 2 minutes.
And if you want to have some fun with on FB saying something like: "Today I'm focusing on __________ (ex. rainbows and butterflies)!!!" And find or take a pic of what you're focusing on! This will reinforce the high vibe energy you're creating!....And we get to light-up FB with JOY! People will wonder what the heck is going on....and may want to shift their focus too!!! #soulnavchallenge
Today we delving into relationships!
YOUR SOUL STEP for today:
Relationships can be easy-flowing and they can be challenging. A lot depends on our foundation from childhood and formative years. We can have healthy, harmonious relationships. It requires our steady and constant practice and choice while in the moment of the relationship interaction. One of my favourite relationship practices is....
  • See EVERYONE as LIGHT! Or love, or compassion, or their higher self. Especially when you have seen or experienced something "negative", sad, misaligned, upsetting. If we can get into the practice of seeing EVERYONE as light....we are finally seeing truth...and who they really are (I'm going to talk more about this in our LIVE chat today). An easy step-by-step to this:
  1. Pause or take a step back
  2. Take a deep breath (this will further help you reset)
  3. Ask yourself, "When I'm not being my best self, how would I want others to see me?"
  4. Choose to see this other person as light no matter what and hold it for at least 2 minutes!

  • And I've included another meditation for you....all about releasing the past...which frees UP sooooo much vital life force energy and helps you reset your foundation in all areas of life! Access the meditation HERE.

If you want to have a little fun with your practice.....keep your eyes open for love and kindness in people connecting or relating today! Take a pic or video and post on your FB (don't forget to tag me so that I can LOVE it UP!) and say something like: "I choose to see LOVE EVERYWHERE today!" When you can see love everywhere, you set your vibrational field to love...and you open to receive love in your own life! Let's share the love today! Don't forget to #soulnavchallenge
AND.....If you haven't been added to the group as yet, here's the link:  Looking forward to seeing your posts as you move through the practices for the week!!!!

Have a restful and loving night!

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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