Subject: Creation and staying the course....

Hi Friend!
Happy Sunday! How are you??? Have you been holding steady in your creations, manifestations and intentions?

Today I woke up with some wobbly, wavering thoughts regarding all that is going on in and around humanity. I feel like I've been holding steady and strong since April regarding what I want to see, feel and experience in this evolutionary jump that we're undergoing. I haven't wavered once. And then, today, moments of doubt...thoughts of uncertainty.

As I was moving myself through these waves, I was reminded of giving birth to the twins. Not having much choice re birthing at home vs the hospital....water breaking....contractions starting....getting excited....feeling like this would be fast just like when I gave birth to Aria at home in a water pool. On our way to the hospital...And then........EVERYTHING STOPPED. I felt waves of fear, trust, uncertainty, surrender, doubt, flow. After 24 hrs of this....I started to feel frustrated, tired, weary, more doubt, more uncertainty.....I just wanted contractions to start and birth the babies. I was ready. I had vibrationally and mentally prepared.

After much deliberating I had a micro-dose (a "whiff" they call it) of oxytocin and within 20 min contractions started and it was go time! They rolled me into a stark, bright, cold OR room (just in case), surrounded by 20-some strangers and practitioners. I went deep within, called UP the inner warrior goddess and mamma bear (with a little F-you...I'm going to do this) and naturally pushed Cruz out laying on my side! After 6 minutes of bliss, joy, relief and ease...holding Cruz on my chest....Chase gracefully moved himself into position and with one easy push....he came flowing out as his water-home burst...allowing him to flow on out sooooooo easily!

WOW! What a roller-coaster experience that all was!

In reflecting on this, this morning....I had a renewed sense of clarity, trust and strength in the creation that is, that is ever-unfolding and what is yet to come!

Sometimes (and I feel now is one of those times) we experience the ease of creation and manifestation...sometimes we have to hold steady and still - trusting in the process.....other times we have to stand strong and power up to bring creation through the last leg.

I feel like we have been experiencing ALL of this.....and now IS the time to hold steady. Stand in strength, clarity and knowing-ness.....Knowing that all is unfolding beautifully. Creation is happening even if it feels or seems or looks like things are going downward or backwards. There is A LOT happening behind the scenes.

Now is the time to clear through ALL doubt, ALL uncertainty, ALL fear. And hold steady in what you / I / we want to see, experience and create as NEW humanity...NEW earth....NEW life on this amazing planet!

I hold the light with you! I hold steady with you! I shine massive light to you! And I send waves of courage and strength your way!!!!!
P.S. Oh, and as a reminder....we have an awesome FREE Meditation Thrive in 5 Workshop starting NEXT MONDAY, NOV 23rd! Inside of "I Rise & Thrive" FB Group. If you're not yet a part of the group, simply click the link below and request to join the group ==>

And if you're not on me back and we'll see if we can figure something out for you to take part!


intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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