Subject: Creating a Masterpiece Life!

When Gabriel and I met in 2010.....there was an immediate spark....a electric current that ran through both of us! We intuitively knew that magic was happening and that a soul-FULL life was unfolding before us!

Within 6 months.....Gabriel was ready to join our businesses together! He saw and felt a greater vision for what was possible by collaborating and creating something even more powerful!

For me.........weeeelllllll........I wasn't ready for that.....I was scared to let go....I was nervous to co-create in that way. I took great pride in the business that I had solely built for 10 years prior to meeting him......and my ego-self was not ready to let go and join forces....just yet...............

It wasn't until we found out we were having twins that I felt a HUGE surge of energy and clarity, "IT IS TIME!" The new energy around Ascension Academy of Light was HUGE! It took shape, downloaded at lightning speed....and was born right before the twins were born!

Gabriel and I sifted through ALL the tools, teachings, practices, expanded learning that we had been practicing in our lives and businesses for well over 10 years.....and gathered the best of the best....the most aligned....the most powerful....the most spiritually grounded.....

.......and weaved our two, already incredible, businesses....into a new MASTERPIECE!!!
Since that has been a beautiful, expansive, sweet and soulful journey! We have connected with soooooooo MANY incredible souls around the world!

..........Created a community of silver and gold and rainbows!

..........Co-created exceptional courses and programs that we LOVE to facilitate together!

..........Built and attracted a stellar team of conscious, loving and dedicated beings!

..........And we have beautiful, precious time to home-un-school our 3 lovely children...and time to play and fully enjoy one another!

As we go into this next complimentary masterclass..........I'm riding the waves of our retreat weekend!!!!!!!.................I am feeling super GRATE-FULL and EMOTIONAL!

..............My heart is flowing with sooooo much love and a deep appreciation for ALL the expansion, growth, stretch moments, trust and fear.....and for the BIG leaps of faith taken along the way!

On Friday we are revealing the new branding and video for our ASCENSION COACH & HEALER CERTIFICATION!!!!!!! I can't wait to show you all the evolution and expansion! New modules! New energy! And even more ways to connect with us and the community!

If you've been in our world for a while....or maybe you're new to us and us to you.....This program is AWESOME! Gabriel and I took the best-of-the-best practices and tools that we use to get fast, long-lasting results with our clients....and share them with our students.....

So that they create massive, positive waves of transformation in their lives and the world around them!

The rate for Ascension Coach & Healer is going up on Friday....when we release the new content and video....and if you've been curious and would be a great time to connect with us and our team....get pre-registered.....and save some moola! (send an email back if you're curious and leaning in :)

Sending infinite, beautiful, clarity-filled love your way!
Tara, King Gabriel and your Light Ascension Team!
P.S. If you know anyone in your world who could benefit from this empowering increase clarity, courage and confidence in their purpose on the planet....feel free to invite friends and family to the group and workshop! Simply invite them to the group or send them the following link....and we'll do the rest!
Co-Founders of Ascension Academy of Light
Spiritual Centre for growth, expansion & elevation!

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

I so appreciate you being a part of this loving and soulful community! Being a part of this community gives you exclusive access to "IN-sight letters" and abundant goodness to elevate your life! You also have full choice in being a part of this community, and if you no longer resonate with the content, you can easily remove yourself from our emails. Of course we will miss you, and we understand. Blessings all around : )
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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