Subject: Creating Balance in Everyday Life

Good morning!
I met to email this out to you the time we supported the kiddos to was 10:30 we are....Creating Balance!

Love the flow and alignment of it all :)

Yesterday I did a FB live talking about creating balance in all areas of life and how you can do this....I wanted to share the insights here with you too as the convo was really beautiful.

The first thing we need to shift out of and the notion that we can create a constant state of balance. Why? Because what happens when you're feeling "balanced" and then all of a sudden something in life happens, side-swipes you, upsets your flow....? If you are trying to hold onto that state of and all that is happening is going to feel pretty crappy, overwhelming, frustrating and irritating.

When we shift into a continuous flow of "balancing" we can pivot, adjust, shift, sway and move accordingly. We are not fixed. We can flow. Even when you are "holding" a balancing posture in tree pose....every muscle, ligament and skeletal system is tweaking, shifting, pivoting, wiggling and adjusting to create a steady feeling of balance. It's like riding a wave on a surf board...where you're shifting your weight to stay on the board.

That is way easier to navigate, right?!
Second....self awareness is KEY! If you've been my world for a while...I'm sure you've heard me say this. Awareness of self, knowing yourself, being conscious of your thoughts, emotions, body and energy...are essential!

From awareness you can see, feel, sense and know what is happening, what doesn't align and what needs to shift in order for re-alignment to occur!

Third.....being willing to consciously shift or pivot! Sometimes we need to take a conscious, aligned step in a new direction or create a new way of living and being in order to support the energy of "balancing".

I learned this one BIG TIME over the past few months....when my body came to a crashing halt and my nervous system was so over-cooked that I couldn't do much but sit, breathe deep breaths, take daily epsom salt baths and rest. No stimulation of any kind. It was even challenging to hold the energetic space for teaching because I channel such high vibrational currents and frequencies. My body couldn't take the added electrical charge.

Sooooo....I stopped the parasite cleanse I was doing....asked for A LOT of help and support from those around me....slept and rested A LOT....and really listened to my whole being and body and gave it what it needed. It was a massive reset and rebalancing of everything!

And it taught me so much about where I want to grow self to next....with more feminine flow than ever before!!!!

(Our challenges teach us soooooo much about where we need to grow to!)
And This is key! I know so many in our community have been holding the high watch for the entire planet! Holding the highest consciousness for the new earth we are all birthing. Holding healing space for friends and family. It has been a huge almost 2 years for every person on this earth.

Knowing that you've been holding the light for the whole....who hold lights for you? Who holds sacred space for you? Who holds you in the light and helps you remember who and what you are???

This is sacred and super important!

If you're already feeling held! AMAZING! Yay!
If's time to let in the love around you....It's time to connect to an inner circle and be soulfully held and supported! It's time!
And if you're feeling called to have Gabriel, our team of Ascension Healers and I hold you....we are here for you! There are many ways we can hold sacred, safe, light-filled space for you....both free (inside The Light Ascension Collective and paid (Thrive 365, Ascension Coach Healer, The Creation Container, Ascension Meditation Cert, and private 1-1)! We are here to support you infinitely and with the highest light possible!

If this speaks to you....feel free to send me an email back and we can connect for a chat and see what's possible, what you need right now...and it would be GREAT to hear more about what's happening in your world :)

Sending beautiful love and soulful nourishment your way! Remember...balance is a balancing act...a constant flow state where you get to observe the now, this present moment and all that comes with it!

We love you!
Tara, King Gabriel and your Light Ascension Team!
Co-Founders of Ascension Academy of Light
Spiritual Centre for growth, expansion & elevation!

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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