Subject: Create a life that is beautiful!

Hi brilliant one!

I hope you are soaking in all the goodness of summer! It feels wonderful to breathe in the warm air and blossoming flowers, embrace the nostalgic return of summer days, and hear the sounds of playfulness unfolding all around! I LOVE this time of year!!!

How are you? How is summer unfolding for you? Are you embracing and receiving the goodness and gifts that are soulfully your birthright? We plant so many dream- or idea- seeds in the winter and spring....waiting for their arrival. The summer is a time to fully enjoy the goodness that is already, always around you! By embracing and seeing the beauty around you, you create a powerful feeling of joy, bliss, satisfaction and fulfillment...which in turn sets the energetic stage for YOU to fully create, manifest and receive the fruition of your ideas and dreams with ease.

Clients often ask me, "How do I create what I really want?" or "How do I manifest my dream life?"

>>> It first begins with the idea or thought of what you want to create!

>>> It then requires a boost in energy....and one of the most powerful energies we have available to us here are our own emotions! Allow yourself to daydream about what it would feel like to create your dream life or a thing or relationship (what ever you want). And then magnify the good vibes about it.....until you feel AWESOME!!!

>>> Then live each day in alignment with those good feeling emotions....i.e.... consciously choose to feel that way, do things in your day-to-day life that allow you to feel awesome and take time to fully feel the good vibes each day!

While you're over there feelin' good, enjoying life, your higher self and subconscious mind are working to generate the perfect plan and steps that bring your ideas and dreams into form! Trust!!! Trust!!!! Trust!!!!! Everything is working for your higher good always!!!! (If you want more steps around creating, please email me! I have a brand new program getting set to launch this fall and it's allll about Mastering Your Manifesting!)

So then....Let's hear it....What are you creating? What dreams do you have? What version of life would you LOVE to wake up to each day??? I'd love to hear from you! When we share in a safe, supportive space.....that person can ignite the energy and lift the dream up with you! We are way more powerful together than apart!!!

Your Life is as BIG & beautiful as you want it to be!
In this INSIGHT-letter you'll find:
  • FREE Radiant Health Webinar Series!!!
  • Step into Your Power in Tulum, Mexico RETREAT this November!!
  • Soul Design Retreat in Malibu, California in October!
  • Exciting changes that are happening at my end that you may want to know about!
A Little Something for Everyone!
FREE Radiant Health Webinar Series!

Last year I ran 3 rounds of the Radiant Health Series and it was a HUGE success! There were over 150 people who registered and completed the program, and 54 people who register for the full Course in Self Healing! I still receive emails from participants saying how powerful the tools and teachings were in elevating and empowering their life! Sooooo....I'm super excited to run another round this summer!

Webinar Dates: Tuesday, July 28th & August 4th from 7 - 8:30 pm EST.
To register, please click the following pink link:

Retreat with us in Tulum, Mexico!
*** Early Booking Savings! ***

Our 2nd annual "Get Happy Retreat" is set for November 28th to December 5th in beautiful, soulful Tulum, Mexico!! And we have an AWESOME Early Booking Savings Offer if you register before Sept 1st!

This year's theme: Step into Your Power! Where you get to......
  • Live & create a FULL, creative, joyful life!
  • Feel fulfilled & empowered!
  • Revamp your mindset to one of abundance, possibility, love, joy, clarity and prosperity!
  • And step into a mind, heart, career and life that is abundant, flowing and prosperous, in every way!
If you feel that resounding YES while reading these statements, you are in the right place at the right time.....and would LOVE this retreat!

This year we have room for 15 and we already have 3 people booked!!! Knowing the transformation and goodness that flowed from last year's retreat, we are certain this retreat is going to attract the most open, soulful, loving peeps who are ready to reclaim their power and create BIG, awesome changes in their life!!

If you're interested, please message me ASAP or visit my site for full retreat details!!!

Soul Design Retreat in Malibu, California!
*** Early Booking Give-a-way!!! ***

Since a few of you have asked....and I will be in LA mid September to mid felt like divine alignment to run a semi-private retreat in Malibu!!! One of my favourite places!!!

Live Life FULLY! Discover your life's purpose (or as I like to call it...your Soul Purpose)! Plug into your passion and playfulness! Explore your highest path of expression. And develop a direct connection to your higher, most expanded self!

Life is much more vibrant, joyful and fun when we are filled up and aware of our expanded self!

Awaken Your Divinely Designed Purpose! Can't wait to share this incredible experience with you! Because this retreat is semi-private, I can only accept 8 people....October 18th - 24th.

As you know....there have been many exciting and wonderful changes and advancements in my life and biz over the past 6 months! Being a part of The Coaching Movie has definitely catapulted my life...I feel like things are in fast-forward.

For me this means personal and biz growth on sooooo many levels: restructuring my biz and life; shifting how I do things; a deeper look at my own self-worth and abundance mentality; and cleaning out fears around the very expansion that I'm about to take!

For the past 13 years I have been running, managing and directing my biz for the most part on my's now time to HIRE! (More details to come!!....Message me if you're interested in being a part of the team!)

For the past 13 years I've primarily worked with clients in an intuitive healing capacity, which is such a huge blessing and honour!!!......And I still will....however I'm making some shifts. It is my deep desire and soul calling to mentor, train and coach others who want to create a life that they LOVE and THRIVE in!!!! And to help others create the foundation in which they get to ignite, inspire and help others! (Tons of changes on my website: following my inner voice, my Soul's direction and really stepping in to create a Soul Designed Life (TM) that can serve more people around this beautiful planet.....more of my time will go toward building The Academy of LIGHT (where I'll be offering new programs led by other amazing facilitators and myself) and many of my programs will be offered online in a self-study fashion!!! This will allow more focus and energy toward mentoring, masterminds, training, soulful retreats, biz coaching and intuitive development of and for others!

Over the next 6 months there are going to be many changes on my site, in my biz, how INSIGHT-letters roll out....and to rates. For session rates will remain the same until Dec 31st, 2015 and many programs will still be offered in their usual way. I'm also working on a "grand-fathering/grand-mothering" rate for most awesome community so that you can cruise along with me for this next chapter of Spiritual Service!

It's an exciting time and I'm soooooo grateful to have you on this journey with me! I know that these changes will help better serve YOU and keep your life IGNITED, INSPIRED and UPLIFTED!!!....Always moving towards your Soul's Expression!!!!

MASSIVE LIGHT and pure goodness to YOU!!!!

Tara oxoxo

P.S. HAPPY NEW MOON!!!! It's a great time for new beginnings, setting new intentions and putting out there new dreams and wishes!!!!
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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