Subject: Create Abundance & Prosperity through Meditation!

Hi beautiful!
Feeling inspired today to write a 3-part series.....after this past full moon eclipse. I've had soooooo many fresh thoughts and new energy swirling within my consciousness and felt the call to share it with you!

Part 1: Meditation and Prosperity, Success and Abundance!

Over the last 20 years.....with way over 10, 000 1-1 client sessions....a common question I've received is, "Tara, I'm doing everything when it comes to manifestation and yet I'm receiving the things I really want. What am I doing wrong?"'re never doing anything "wrong". It just may be a matter of where your mind is focused more often. Many times we create positive and powerful intentions, have amazing ideas and say, "Yes! I want to create xyz!" And then....our day-to-day thoughts are running in several directions that do not support our creation. Or....we find our mind-chatter being in the opposite direction as to what we want to create.

It's sooooooo important to know your mind, be able to see, feel or hear the quality of your thoughts, and then be able to powerfully and consciously redirect the mind and think thoughts that support our big vision!

One of THE MOST POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE practices or tools to do this is..........MEDITATION!

Meditation allows you to pause the normal-patterned mind-tracks.

Meditation offers a space to expand your senses and feel, see and hear what's really going on inside of self.

Meditation allows your own body and nervous system to take a mini-vacation, rest, recharge quickly and renew itself...which then allows you to feel stronger in mind! Then your ability to choose a thought that supports and serves you is easier because you're not being controlled or swayed by your emotions!

Meditation creates a deeply connected space within and above to your Higher Mind....your Spiritual Self....Source.....Creator! You then get to hear and receive inspired thoughts, actions and guidance as to what supports the actualization of your creations and ideas! Remember Source / Creator wants you to THRIVE and SUCCEED at this game of life!

Meditation also opens the door for deeper listening! This is soooooo helpful because many times when we want to create or manifest something....we think it's all on us to do it! And it's not! There are soooo many miraculous pieces that can magically "fall into place" for you, through you and around you! need to have refined inner listening to know what is a higher thought versus a distraction thought drummed up by ego, your patterned mind or the past!

Meditation opens your spiritual body, chakras and energy centres....which allows you to receive or channel more light, higher frequencies and activations for EVERYTHING!.....Including manifestation codes!
I could probably give you another 10 points on why and how meditation supports manifestation.....but that would result in a mini-book!

All this to say......from my 20 years of experience as an Intuitive Healer, Soul Coach and Spiritual Mentor.....I HIGHLY RECOMMEND having a strong, grounded, supportive meditation practice! And as someone who has been meditating since I was 14 (I'm now 44 cycles around the sun).....I can truly, honestly and completely say....friend-to-friend, peer-to-peer......meditation has been one of THE MOST IMPORTANT practices and modalities that entered my life!

It's allowed me (and my clients) to create a life that is truly miraculous! Beautiful! Abundant! Exceptional! Joyful! Healthy! Radiant! Fulfilling!

If you resonate with this and want to explore meditation more....
.......or perhaps you want to deep your already existing practice....
.......or maybe you feel a call to teach, facilitate or lead meditations......

....I would LOVE to connect and chat!

Sending massive love your way!!!!
The doors to our Ascension Meditation Certification are currently open! Live classes start tomorrow (Thursday)! And this round is going to be next-level for manifestation and creation!!!

Email me back for more information or to schedule a coffee-chat.
Or you can go directly to the website if you resonate with this and are ready to get started and abundantly expand with us!!!!!

intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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