Subject: Count me in the LOVE-Loop!!!!

Happy post LOVE-Day Friend!!!

How are you? How was your Valentine's Day????

We had a blast yesterday! It started with a LOVE-celebration in our Facebook group (Path to Ascension Circle)....We had a dance party, a little chat about expanding Valentine's Day into LOVE for everyone we intersect with so that LOVE can be present for us and everyone everywhere!!!! And then we continued our day to celebrate my 42nd birthday with a little cafe (I LOVE GREAT espresso!!!), some brunch, a beach-ocean-side massage (which was blissful), and then a beautiful beach afternoon with Gabriel and my kiddies! It was a perfect day! I feel sooooo blessed and filled UP!

Speaking of feeling filled UP.....I HIGHLY RECOMMEND popping over to the FB group - Path to Ascension Circle and checking out our free "2 Days to Love" videos! They will fill your internal cup and have you glowing with higher love for weeks!!!! Here's the link to the group ==>

I LOVE co-creating with our participants and students! From the Love-Celebration yesterday....we started a love movement...posting and sharing our hearts, love and high vibe energy with a hashtag: "Count me in the love loop"!

The whole intention behind it was to give as much love, compassion, light and kindness as we can....knowing that as we give there is an immediate internal, personal fill-up that occurs! It's a perfect, beautiful system that takes care of ALL simultaneously! This type of giving creates and generates a loop of love that restores us, giving us more love to give and then we share and the loop magnifies....and on-and-on it flows! Super cool!

(Here's a pic from yesterday's love-celebration! I was getting bonked in the head by heart balloons from the kids!!!)
Wanna create a love-loop?!?!

The practice is quite simple:
  • extend love, kindness, compassion to all those you see - random people on the street, your hair dresser, your dentist, the people in your home and world...basically anyone you cross paths with!
  • shower them with love vibrations and gratitude!
  • imagine they are filled with love!
  • I guarantee you will feel GREAT! Elevated! Elated!
Let me know how it feels.....

And may the LOVE continue far into your world....far beyond Valentine's Day!!! You are deserving of having and experiencing soooooo much LOVE!

P.S. Last week I was interviewed by a really cool chick who I met years ago on the plane coming back from California....and as it turns out....we were at the same conference! Deborah was actually one of the featured speakers on stage! LOVE small world intersections!

Anyhoo.....we stayed in touch over the years and she recently invited me to be a part of her new series "Productivity for Perfectionists"!!!! Super cool!!!! I really enjoyed our interview and shared how I get soooooooooooo much done in my world and business....while tending to Aria, Chase and Cruz! You can check out the interview here ==>

I believe my interview airs on Monday! You'll LOVE it!!!
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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