Subject: Conscious Co-Creation or Divine Allowance?

Hello beautiful being!!!
Have you ever wondered which is correct re manifestation???.....Consciously Creating Your Reality vs Divine Allowance? There's sooooooooooooo much information out there these days re manifestation, abundance, creating your reality, etc that it can feel overwhelming and sometimes confusing.

I've been thinking A LOT about this lately. Which path do I follow? Which path is correct? There have been times in my life when my whole world was created by divine orchestration - where I surrendered to the Divine Will or my Higher Self and miraculous happenings occurred! And then other times when I consciously thought about what I wanted, actively manifested and it happened!

I'm always learning, expanding, listening higher up and growing....and I've heard (and practiced) everything out there....from The Law of the Law of Divine Allowance (surrender to the Divine will) consciously thinking about and setting up my day. One day I'll see something on social media about one way....I feel the resonance and YES....and go in that direction. And then the next day, I hear the opposite and feel the resonate YES....and go that way.

My mind gets all confused and thinks, "I thought creation and manifestation happened _________ (through consciously setting up your day / by allowing the divine to flow through your life). Which way is the right way? There seems to be some contradicting practices or teachings." I circle around my thoughts.....try a little of this and then a little of that.....not much happens.....and I then get stopped by my own self.....frozen.....Do I consciously create my day or allow my higher self to create my day for and through me? Which way is the correct way to go? Which one works fastest? Which one is THE WAY?
After weeks of circling this way...and not getting much of anything I want...feeling like creation just isn't working for me....listening to the ego's thoughts, "You must be doing something wrong. You're failing. This creation thing just isn't for you....You must be on the wrong path. Try some other way because this isn't the way...." I finally get so tired of the "not-working" feeling and internal chatter....that I throw my hands up in the air....let it all go....surrender....release up to Source....and just sit in being-ness.

It was in that moment that clarity arose. Both ways work! Both are powerful! Both are a part of creation on this planet! Just as EVERY other area of life on this planet has contrast....the yin yang, the light and dark, the confusion and the clarity....creation on this plane has both the feminine and masculine side of creation and manifestation! And both are equally powerful! Yay! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
So then...the remaining question is.....which one do I use and when? It really depends on YOU and your cycle or flow. Are you in the more masculine nature or cycle of life right now? Or the feminine? Are you feeling more get-up-and-go-action energy? Or are you feeling more chill-relax-and-be energy? These feelings will give you insight as to what creation-manifestation path to utilize right now!

And then....when the energy changes and your cycle changes (as with all things on this planet....change is the ONE constant and inevitable) tune back in, adjust and utilize the other creation flow available to us! Pretty cool to know that even creation and manifestation doesn't have just one way....that there is balance.....change....honouring the ebb and flow of life itself!

Our "job" then becomes about self-awareness....tuning in to our emotions, cycles and flows and manifest / create accordingly! Super cool! From this can't get creation wrong! Isn't that a relief? With ALL the various information and education out there these days....I find it super relieving to know that it all works! it's simply a matter of where you are / where I am at this particular point in time!

What part of manifestation or creation are you at right now? Active manifestation or Divine Allowance? And are you able to tell the difference? (I'm curious.....)

Sending MASSIVE light, clarity and creation energy your way!
P.S. If you want some support with knowing the difference and where you're personally at in your creation / manifestation cycle.....I've opened up 10 spots in my calendar in the next 2 weeks to help you uncover and get clear on where your attention may be best focused or placed based on where you're at in your personal cycle. You can book your complimentary call by clicking this link ==> or go ahead and schedule a full paid Soul Session for 60 minutes! (Includes a recording of your call....and we'll tune deeper into your Soul's path and journey and clear anything stopping or blocking you at this time!)

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

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