Subject: Can you successfully meditate in 5 minutes??? (and Sunday light your way)

Happy Sunday Sweet Soul!
How are you today? How has your weekend been?

For has been a sweet, loving, fun, family-filled early Halloween and my brother's birthday celebration! And this morning....feeling very peaceful and still. The rain is gently falling, I'm sipping on a hot green tea Chai latte while I write and watch the remaining leaves fall from the trees outside.....

As much as I LOVE spring and summer....there is a quiet stillness in the autumn months....a time of internal internal healing and nourishment.

Speaking of nourishment....I feel soooooo many are moving through some BIG things again....BIG energies, MASSIVE transformation, and SEVERAL changes. There have been many things to manage and move through...and I want to extend a beautiful wave of infinite light that flows around you, bathes you, nourishes you and elevates your heart. May you be held.

Take a few minutes today and just receive light.....even if it's only 5 minutes.

Gabriel and I receive this question all the time...."Can you really meditate in only 5 minutes a day and have it be successful or powerful?" The answer is....YES! Absolutely! Since the twins were born....Gabriel and I had to learn how to get time efficient with our spiritual practices and meditations! And we've found that when you know you only have 5 minutes to sit and be get straight to it! No time to waste on random thoughts. You drop in and down (or up) and get into alignment with Source immediately!

You still can have a powerful experience....intuitive insights can flow through fast and accurately....your body will receive a blast of light and energy....which will allow you to get still quickly.....and you super-charge your entire body and being within moments!

For sure I love a gooooooood looooooooong meditation.....and that isn't always doable in our household.....What about you? Do you love long meditations? Have you tried a 5 minute meditation?
If you want to explore deep, spiritual, healing-based, and calming will LOVE our upcoming FREE Thrive in 5 Workshop!!! It's 100% centered around meditation! To help the newbies quickly and effectively meditate without the frustration of "quieting the mind". It will help the seasoned meditators go deeper and higher and connect next level! And for those who want to facilitate meditations for'll receive a deeper experience as to how to create meditations that allow others to Thrive!

It's all starting Monday, November 1st at noon EST! Are you able to make it????
If you haven't yet joined the group where it's taking is the link:

And if you're off Facebook, email me back...we have an alternate place for you to attend!

This workshop is going to help you.....
  • refocus the busy-ness of the mind
  • create a sense of calm and peace
  • refine your ability to create the experience YOU WANT to have
  • feel more aligned, grounded and supported
  • and help manage the many moving parts in your life...withe more ease, grace, patience and joy.
Be sure to click this link and join our Pop-Up FB Group "5 Day Meditation & Healing Workshop with Tara Antler & KG" This is where ALL the goodness will be taking place! Live each day!

Sending you soooooooooo much goodness and light your way! Can't wait to connect with you in the group! Have a sweet and soulful Sunday :)
P.S. Past participants have said that this Thrive in 5 was by far THE BEST week of their entire year! They felt deeply connected, centred, supported, nourished and able to get a lot done without all the frenetic energy!

We will be giving away some beautiful gifts too.....Amazon Gifts cards ($50-100), Reiki-infused crystal bracelets, and custom-made Mala necklaces! You have to be there live to win! And we're giving away 2 scholarships!

Remember to request to join that you can catch the "Thrive in 5" workshop! Simply click here and request to join the group ==>
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

I so appreciate you being a part of this loving and soulful community! Being a part of this community gives you exclusive access to "IN-sight letters" and abundant goodness to elevate your life! You also have full choice in being a part of this community, and if you no longer resonate with the content, you can easily remove yourself from our emails. Of course we will miss you, and we understand. Blessings all around : )
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