Subject: Can you believe....Day 6 already?! [Soul Nav Challenge]

Hi Friend!!!!
Here we are....Day 6 of the Soul Nav Challenge already! How is your practice unfolding???

Today's topic is one that is VERY much a part of my life now! Something that has changed my life in sooooo many beautiful and heart-expanding ways.....BECOMING A PARENT! Something that doesn't come with a manual....something you figure out as you go....something that requires steady, committed energy into! And....whether or not we have children....we have ALL been a "parent" to something, a pet or someone....we've all helped care for another.....we've all cared for and had to parent ourselves at times! So this topic really is for EVERYONE!

YOUR SOUL STEP for today:
Regardless of what phase of life you are in....we all know what it feels like to be parented! Many of us have stories where our parentals may not have made the best choice or parented in the highest aligned way. And many people carry these wounds around...which will trickle into our current situations and interactions and can cause chaotic circumstances. And, as parents we want to make the best decision for our kids....which often put a lot of pressure on us....which can cause worry, stress and strain. Sooooo....
  • 1st Soulful Parenting Soul Step for you forgive your own parents for any "wrong-doing" or screw ups they made. parent is given a handbook....and each child is completely unique....which means parents really do have to figure out as they go for each child....while dealing with their own life and emotions! And most parents didn't have the mindful, awakened living tools that you may have. They did the best they could! Make a powerful choice in this moment to release, let go and forgive them! This will create sooooo much freedom for you! Here's a powerful audio class to help you with forgiveness: Access it HERE.
  • 2nd Soulful Parenting Soul Step.....if you do have children.....LOVE them UP with your FULL and WHOLE self! And at least once REALLY present to and with them. No distractions, no multi-tasking (I know you parents are sooooo good at multi-tasking!!!), no phone, no TV. Just be with your kid(s)! And really enjoy the time and space you have with him/her/them!
And as always....if you want to have some fun with this....find/take a love-filled pic with your kids or parent(s), post on FB/Instagram and say something like: "I know parenting doesn't come with a handbook....My parents did their very best and I soooooo love and appreciate them." And if you have children maybe add in, "...And as a parent.....I choose to soulfully and consciously parent to the best of my ability and LOVE my children UP as much as possible!" Don't forget to tag me and #soulnavchallenge
(This pic was taken at our daughter, Aria's 1st birthday....with my parents!)

On today's FACEBOOK LIVE session:
  • Learn & practice the #1 element that is essential for easy, soulful parenting.
  • And see how this element can create massive freedom in your life....even if you're not a parent!
  • The live session will be happening at 10 am EST through our Private FB Group for 20-30 minutes....and then I have to jet down to Toronto to see clients!
Here's the link to our private FB group: 

Wrapping my mommy-arms of pure love and goodness around you today!

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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