Subject: Friend Magnetize & Amplify Your 2017!!!!

It's official.....a NEW YEAR has made it through!!!! Congrats! Hooray! Yahoo! Whoopee! With all the clearing, changes and cleansing we all did in 2016....we deserve to celebrate our growth, transformation and elevation to the next version of self and life!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! Let's take a pause, put on a little music and do a happy-dance!!!!! "You are amazing! You have transformed! Time to celebrate!"....."Celebrate good times, come on! Let's celebrate!!!!" 

This NEW spin around the sun has offered some wonderful insights and familiar (and powerful) practices to help keep me centered in love, clarity and higher truth. I was inspired on New Year's while up at my parent's place....we were about to enjoy dinner and a family friend offered to say grace. The Antler family hasn't done that for years....and I have to felt sooooooo wonderful! Something so simple.....something that slowed everyone down for a moment....where we could consciously come together and appreciate all that we have been given! It was perfect!

From that night forward, I've chosen 3 times throughout the day to pause, stop everything, center myself and "consciously communicate" with the Divine (some call it prayer). I have felt a beautiful sense of "presence" flowing through me that brings tears to my eyes! I can't help but feel immense gratitude and appreciation for EVERYTHING!!!! we energetically know, gratitude opens the heart, which expands our field, which elevates us on all levels and sends a powerful signal to the Universe (which is always saying YES to us!) to magnify and amplify these vibrations and thoughts.....which in turn brings more goodness for us to receive, experience and appreciate!!!! Soooooo cool!!!!! And as a result of meditation time has really increased in receptivity.....feeling a loving, open space to fully receive and refill with all the goodness from the Divine!

Have you received any insights or new practices to help you stay in alignment? Were you able to take a few minutes to consciously craft and create your NEW year??

To support you in navigating, magnifying and amplifying a beautiful, abundant, healthy, joyful, clear path for 2017, I'm offering YOU a COMPLIMENTARY MONTH to Soul Navigation 6.0!!!! The membership is almost ready to go!!!! We're in beta testing now. When you preregister I'm gifting everyone some wonderful meditations to get you started!!!

And...I have some wonderful things for you to experience as we powerfully and soulfully kick-off 2017!!!! Some are starting next week.......
In December I was divinely called to create a 6-week channeling and mediumship so that wherever you are in the world you can attend!!!! Classes start next Monday, January 9th and run for 6 weeks until February 13th!!!

We "meet" online for 60-75 min. We'll cover different aspects of channeling and mediumship and I'll guide us through a deep trance-like meditation so that we can begin to channel and really "dive in and up". Each week we'll focus on a different "realm of beings" - angels, guides, loved ones past, ascended masters, fairy realm, etc!

Over 10 years ago I was a part of a circle like this in Toronto.....every Wednesday for a year. It was sooooooo powerful, insightful, inspiring and uplifting!!!!! And fun!!! And doing this type of "work" in a conscious group.....the experience is totally amplified and magnified!!!!

It's $40 a class or $180 for the full 6 weeks. Everything is recorded in case you miss a night. You can register by sending an email $ transfer or on my website:

I've ignited a powerful online membership this year!!!! Something I'm totally excited about!!!...Called Soul online portal for all things mind-body-soul.....a Netflix for the Soul!!!! And within this platform is an awesome Mastermind group opportunity!!!!

Each time I've run or been a part of a Mastermind group.....wonderful, fantastic, and mind-blowing expansion and growth occurs on sooooo many levels for everyone involved!!!! I've been a part of a biz incubator for 2 years and have created and accomplished sooooo much....even while being pregnant and over the last 9 months with Aria in our life!!!!! In a Mastermind setting we get to support one another, expand our reach, be a part of loving community, share what we're creating and moving through, get support for what we're creating and moving through.....and really grow to new heights personally and professionally!!!!

If you're interested in your personal and professional growth and expansion this year....If you're soulfully-centered and create with heart.....You totally qualify for this group experience and I'd LOVE to have you join us!!!!
Soul Navigation 11.11 Membership - $149 a month or register for the year ($1490) and save $298. Includes admission to the Soul Design Mastermind (runs January - December 2017) + full membership access to Soul Navigation 6.0 & 8.0. Includes monthly in-person (or online for those in other countries/cities) "soul step sessions" where you get personal support on any subject, any area of life + monthly one-on-one guidance (30 min private session/month)....All with the intention to help you elevate your business, your life and grow in the ways that your higher self calls or directs you! It's a fantastic way to stay inspired and ignited in the powerful work you're bringing forth in the world!!! Keep the internal fire lit so-to-speak!
  • Soul Navigation 6.0 Membership - $9.99 USD a month with unlimited access to content in 6 Key Areas of Life: Relationship; Money-Miracles-Manifestation; Health; Soulful Parenting; Mind Mastery; Spiritual Growth.
  • Soul Navigation 8.0 Membership - $39.99 USD a month with unlimited access to content in the 6 Key Areas of Life (listed above) + Soul-Centered-Business-Content to help you accelerate your biz / entrepreneurial life....bringing your biz, purpose and life into soul alignment!
If you're feeling called or if you have any questions......please email me and we'll get you fully registered and ready to go!!!!

And our Soul Awakening Retreat in Barbados is almost full!!! Yay!!!! (above is a view from our villa) If you're feeling called to soulfully align your life, give back to self and awaken to your next version of self.....we'd LOVE to have you join us on the beach!!!! Yoga, meditation, Caribbean food, amazing community....and a week of pure bliss on the ocean!!!! Message me for details or to join us!

Gabriel, Aria and I will be heading down to Barbados on Jan 25th for 5 weeks!!!! We're REALLY excited to live life in flow, in the sun and have Aria experience the ocean!!!! Gabriel's family will be coming to visit us for a week to meet Aria!!!! And we'll still be available to "see" clients by phone/video while down south.....and I'll be avail to physically see clients until January 23rd!

Holding you in higher prayer, thought and love!!! Wishing for you the most beautiful year filled with goodness, light, prosperity and bliss!!!!! (here's a little New Year's message we sent out on FB)
Tara Antler
Expert Coach in "LEAP"
Author of "The Healing Manual - A Guide to Healing"

intuitive healer, soul coach, love-ignitor, international speaker, meditation facilitator

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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