Subject: Bridging the gap between what we dream...and reality...

Hi Friend!

We're back from beautiful Barbados! Made it home with ease....and adjusting to the cooler temperatures....Aria is a little confused as to why she needs to wear so many clothes...and has been indoors A LOT over the past few days....Life for her and us was definitely easy-flowing, wonderful and joyful during our island living! We've already made the decision to travel south for the winter for the next few years.....Barbados felt like home for all of us!

As I was pondering this BIG decision a thought/question kept arising that I felt would be great to expand upon here....for you! "How do we bridge the gap between dreams being just dreams or smoke in the air or an idea floating around in our mind....and actually have it drop down into physical reality so that we can actually experience it!?"

We all have dreams, ideas, wishes and desires....for a better life, something more, new experiences, life being fulfilled. How many of these dreams actually become reality? For some people, only a few come to fruition, for others many get created and experienced. So what causes this difference for people? What's the gap that prevents dreams from taking shape and form?
Over time, I've witnessed some key factors in my life and in observing others lives.....that make a huge difference in closing the dreams to reality gap....
  • BELIEF FRAMEWORK - as to whether or not it's possible. When we have beliefs that limit us, life shows up in a limited way. Any time we want to make positive change we need to clean outdated beliefs and create new ones that support where we want to go and who we want to be!
  • WILLINGNESS & PHYSICAL REALITY to take the necessary steps. We can dream all we want.....and at some point we need to take physical steps, for example booking a flight, making arrangements to be out of country, moving to a new place, etc.
  • COURAGE to step into states of unknown. When we take a step in a new direction it will feel strange because it's unfamiliar.
  • ABILITY & TOOLS to walk through or clear fear that may arise from the unknown or change.
  • SUPPORT. It's soooo important and helpful to have people in your life who support your dreams and can elevate them rather than bursting your dream bubbles.
  • TRUST (deep inner trust) that EVERYTHING is in alignment and EVERYTHING will work out for the best good for all. Meditation REALLY helps with establishing trust.
  • ABILITY TO LISTEN to your inner joy...this will keep you in alignment with divine flow, your dreams and what you really want to experience in life!
  • PERSONAL ENERGY CULTIVATION to align with, attract to you and amplify...your dreams!

In making the decision to be in Barbados for 5 weeks with an infant was a stretch for me. It required all of the above and I'm sooooooo happy I continued to flow with the flow and listen to what my heart was being drawn to! So much goodness, joy, inner and outer connection and alignment came from being down there....and now my dreams have stretched even further to create the life and lifestyle that I REALLY want to myself and my family!!!! It requires continuous courage and willingness to listen to what feels good!

And if you're looking for a loving, beautiful, supportive community to tap into to help shape your dreams into physical reality.....our Soul Navigation membership is up and running and we have 3 different levels that you can tap into to best support your personal needs!!!!!! If you haven't visited the site as yet....there's a free month membership waiting for you! I personally invite you to go to: to check it out!

I am always here for you. Always supporting your soul growth in my meditations and prayers. And I want the absolute best for you every day of your experience here!!!!! I want you to live your dreams into physical form as well!!!!

You are sooooooo LOVED, AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL and CREATIVE!!!!! Life can be a living dream!

Curious about Channeling, Mediumship and tapping into Divine messages?

We just wrapped up a wonderful 6 week session of Channeling & Mediumship online and it was AMAZING!!!! We had soooooo much fun and everyone really expanded and was able to tap into loved ones past, spirit guides, angels and several other dimensions!!! We ALL loved it so much that we've decided to run another 6 week round...starting next week!! If you're interested, please go to: to register! Would LOVE to have you!

Next Soul Awakening Retreat!

We had an amazing, beautiful and powerful retreat in Barbados! There were 13 people who joined Gabriel, Aria and I at a private villa on the beach....that was exceptional! So much soul expansion and joy!!!! Can't wait for our next one! We're thinking about Guatemala or open to suggestions! If you're interested, please private message me!!! Where would YOU like to retreat to???

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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