Subject: Biz Owners & Entrepreneurs....this one is for YOU!

(if you're may want to delete / skip over this email)....This email is for all the creatives, entrepreneurs and biz owners out there!

As you know....starting a business or stepping into your soul's work in the world is THE MOST exciting, expansive and scary! You're really putting you, your creative ideas and genius out there in the world! (the above pic is the view from our villa in Kelowna BC as I write this to you! Owning your own biz and creating in your style, to fit your lifestyle can give you such incredible freedom!)

And there's often A LOT riding on the biz decisions you make - offer your services, get clear on your services and path to serve, build a business, get clients, generate income, figure out what works....and all the while doing your best to not freak out when things get tight (time, money, trusting the process)!

I can't tell you the number of times I've freaked out in my own business over the last 18 years! Yes...officially been doing healing work and teaching workshops with clients 18 years this August 5th! Starting my business back in the day was belief and trust was very strong and supportive. The "system" was easy....go to networking events, get published, get exposure, volunteer, get in front of people and connect! It all worked! Clients would arrive...and they would LOVE the service and often refer and my business grew and grew and grew! 10, 000 clients later!

In today's day and age business expression, opportunities and platforms have evolved...largely due to the internet! We are in an information age...where EVERYTHING is available at your fingertips! You can learn anything from anywhere! Super cool! And super overwhelming as a biz owner and entrepreneur!
.....where do I start?
.....what systems do I use?
.....what's the best way to reach people and clients? do I stay focused and in my lane?
.....oh and then there's social media, Facebook advertising, Instagram, webinars, live events, goes on and on.....

There are 4 things that I've found as key elements in creating a thriving and successful business in today's age:
1. Connection, authenticity, transparency and being YOU always....throughout it all! This allows you to connect deeply to others through your story, sharing and offerings!

2. Belief and mindset! Your business is a reflection of you and what you believe to be true. So if something isn't working....don't go scrambling "out there"'ll drive yourself nutz! Go inward and clean house! I trusted and knew that what I was to share with clients was powerful! I trusted that I would align with clients! I knew that I could make a positive difference in the world! And all that has happened beyond my wildest dreams or intentions!

3. The right system for the right business! It's not a one-size-fits-all. You need to get clear on what you offer, how to best serve and then align with ONE system that will allow you to flourish!

4. Get coached! I have always worked with a mentor, coach or been in a membership coaching program to professionally and personally grow! Having accountability, having someone to walk me off the ledge when I'm doubting what I'm doing and having the system support to help me scale and grow....has been monumental!
Over 2 years ago I consistently saw posts from a certain biz coach and mentor and her clients (thriving)....and immediately felt drawn to her and her energy! I loved her clarity, her direction, her talks, her vibe, and most importantly her desire to help business owners and entrepreneurs move through all business and money blocks, create financial freedom and make a real heart-difference in the world through purpose!

My life and business has evolved and positively grown soooooooo much since working with her! Her systems and way of approaching business has simplified everything in my world! Her guidance has grown and stretched me....especially with having 3 little ones 3 and under. Many times I wanted to throw in the towel, shut it all down to just be mom, unclear as to what to focus on next.....And her loving support encouraged me to get external support, get resourceful, do less, attract and receive more and evolve my message and how I deliver it!

I am over the moon grateful for her and her team of amazing, high vibe coaches!....Who really live to give!

Shanda is hosting a powerful LIVE event in Palm Springs! I attended it 2 years ago and it rocked my life and positively uplifted me to go bigger, deeper and as a result refine me and my biz!

It is 3 connect, up-level, grow, learn, expand and fire up your life and biz!!!! As a loving client of Shanda's I have a special link for peeps (I don't get commission on tickets....I'm sharing to to give!):

I have set the intention to go to The ZONE Event with the fam-jam this year! I love Palm Springs and Palm Dessert! I love the high vibe, supportive community! And I love Shanda's style, teachings, tools, support....AND guest speakers!!!! It's next level!!! Here's the link again to check out the event and grab a ticket!.....I hope to see you there!

Have a sweet, soulful and successful day!
P.S. In a year from now....if you look back at your life and biz....what growth and expansion would you LOVE to experience? What steps did you take to get there? What support did you allow in to grow you???

This may be one of THE MOST POWERFUL steps and events you take / attend that positively changed EVERYTHING!

intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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