Subject: Baby Aria Sky has arrived!!!!....Sharing the LOVE!

Hi Friend!

Gabriel and I are super excited to introduce you to the newest member of our family....miss Aria Sky!!! She arrived in the world at 12:52 am April 1st with ease and grace!!!! Gabriel and I just arrived home from doing groceries and picking up Thai food....I went downstairs to chill and eat dinner while watching a little Netflix and my water broke (YES....I experienced the GUSH!!!! Wowzers!) at 8 pm. My adrenaline started to rush as I laughed my way to the washroom....yelling up to Gabriel, "Babe!.....My water just broke! Holy crap! It's happening!"

He came running down and asked, "Are you sure? Really? Are you sure you didn't pee your pants?" (which wasn't unlikely at this point).

I said, "I'm sure! Smell it!" He did and commented, "That's definitely NOT pee!"

We called the midwife (and my family) and she said we may have all eat, relax, take a warm bath and get some rest tonight. Well....that didn't happen! I had just enough time to eat my Thai food and it was go time! By 9:30 the midwife arrived at house and I was already 7 cm dilated! We had just enough time to fill the birthing pool and the midwife set up and active labor began. In just under 2 hours, with 6 major contractions (man...."they" are not kidding when they say ring of fire and pain....whoa....unlike anything I've experienced before).....Aria Sky entered the world into a warm pool of water and into our arms! I was in total amazement and disbelief that this had just happened!
Birthing at home was such a lovely experience! Two of my closest friends arrived just as Aria was born and within an hour of delivery, with baby in arms, I was being massaged by them to help ease the tension in my body.....soooooooo grateful to Michelle Atzenwiler and Melanie these goddesses!
The past 10 days has been wonderfully blissful, blessed, challenging and emotional. It took Gabriel and I five days to adjust to the lack of sleep and new flow in our life. Breast feeding at the beginning was extremely challenging and emotional (man talk about ego flare-up....yikes). I'm extremely happy to say, the past four days have been flowing on all levels, I continue to set the intention for my milk to flow as easily as the love flows from creator (which it's now flowing wonderfully) and we've received amazing love and support from family and friends. And my body is almost back to normal....amazing how fast the organs return to their usual place and how quickly the belly can come down!!! Such an incredible experience all around!!!!
Having this time at home to connect with Aria and to rest more than I ever have has been wonderful! I swear I could sit and stare at her allllllllllllllllllll day! She is such a miracle.....a divine piece of the awe-inspiring spark of creation in physical form! Seeing her reminds me of how divine, perfect, awesome, uniquely created we all are! And how each of us....our very to be celebrated and appreciated! We each have a unique, divine blueprint for our life that only YOU can fulfill! We are here to create, experience and contribute our soul blueprint here on this planet! As I speak words of this remembrance to Aria Sky, so that she remembers for life.....I share these same words to you so that you remember the calling of your Soul:

"You are perfect. You are beautiful. You are pristine health. You will create and experience such miraculous happenings here on earth. Your divine plan unfolds with ease and grace. And may you remember every day who you really are. You are love. You are divine light. You are creation in form."

Massive LOVE your way!

P.S. Continue reading below to find out more about IN-sight Letter changes and our Summer Retreat in Northern Ontario!!!

P.S.S. If you're on Facebook or Instagram.....Gabriel and I have been posting pics of Aria. We'd love to share the love with you there!.....So....if we're not yet connected on either platform, please "friend" us!
Over the past few weeks I have been thinking about how best to serve loving, wonderful, awesome community....while I'm taking some down time to connect with baby and create a new flow in my life! And....I think I've got it!!!
  • Content rich articles and blog posts! Regularly posted on my website and sent out to you every 2 weeks!!! These articles will includes topics like Meditation, Relationships, Spiritual Awakening, Abundance, Mindset Practices, Health, Self Mastery, Intuition, etc. If there are any specific topics that you would like covered, please let me know! I am making a solid commitment to this new format and I'm excited to connect with you more regularly! I hope this flows for you and that you enjoy the posts! And....I also know we all get a lot of emails these days and lead busy if you miss a few's all good, I totally understand! They will be posted on my website on the Blog Page for future reading....when you have time!

  • Your Soul Designed Life Radio / Podcast! It's official! I am relaunching my online radio show and the first episode will be airing this month! Stay tuned! You can follow the show now by going to

AVAILABILITY over the next month:

I will be available to "see" clients by phone starting this week (I already have a client booked tomorrow and did a virtual talk for a Coaching Summit in Boise, Idaho!!!). If you're feeling the need for an in-person loving husband will be seeing clients for me in Toronto....which can be scheduled through me : )  I'm soooooo grateful to have a loving partner who does very similar work to me!!! You would LOVE his sessions!!!!

We have created a beautiful, nurturing, soul stirring retreat in Northern Ontario this summer and would LOVE for YOU to join us!!! We can accept only 13 people and we already have 4 spaces confirmed. All the details are on my HERE for more details!!!

Plus 3 Group Soul Sessions before the retreat (value $300)!

are excited to share this Northern Ontario experience with you!

Tara Antler
Author of "The Healing Manual - A Guide to Healing"
body-mind-spirit expert, intuitive, love-ignitor, international speaker, meditation facilitator, clarity coach

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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