Subject: BIG changes and instant manifestations are happening!

Happy Monday Friend!!!
How are you this morning??? Feeling alive, well, aligned and ready to consciously create your week?!!

Or....been moving through some stuff and feeling like you'd rather stay in bed and cozy up in your blankets and sleep through the day?

If you've been a bit of's ALL GOOD! There is sooooooooo much shifting and changing sooooooo quickly right now! The energy around us has sped UP....even as I write this to you, I'm having a hard time keeping up with speed of energy and thought that is pouring through and out of fingertips!

Over the last month or so I've really witnessed in myself and others around me (clients, friends, family) an almost instantaneous ability to manifest, create and experience the VERY thing I was / others were focused on! Amazing! Powerful! And.....a little freaky!

For example....someone very close to me has a fear of being alone and something bad happening to her while alone. As this very scenario started to unfold....being by herself in the middle of the "bush" (us Northerners like to say).....within a few hours something did happen.....she fell down the stairs and broke her ankle.

Another example....a client was trying to find the good in an ex-partner...and all she could see and experience was all the bad because her mind was looped on the past version of him and all the pain that was.

On the positive side of creation.....
I said to Gabriel....I have a feeling that we're going to have 25 people in our Ascension Meditation Certification (which started last week ==> When we initially opened registration we had 10 people....then it rose to 14....then 18....then held at 20....and then jumped to 25! All within 10 days!

We also have given notice to leave our house and go down to Mexico for 2 months. Gabriel and I imagined and talked about the amazing, most aligned space that we wanted for our family, and stated clearly the monthly price we wanted to pay. Last night we found EXACTLY what we manifested within.....with ease!
I could on and on about stories and examples just from the past few weeks alone.....The point being......WE HAVE STEPPED INTO FULL CREATOR-SHIP!
You are pure magic! You have graduated! You have been given the keys to the kingdom, so-to-speak! Your words, intentions, focus, prayers are being answered very quickly!

So is SUPER IMPORTANT for you, for me, for be VERY mindful as to where we're placing our thoughts, energy, words, conversation and attention! If you find yourself slipping into a space or thought train that doesn't feel good......STOP THAT TRAIN AND JUMP TRACKS!!!!! Immediately! DO NOT entertain the shadow for even a moment!

Get UP! Skip! Dance! Play! Sing! Refocus! Meditate! Flip the dialogue! Do whatever is necessary to stay in the light! STAY IN THE LIGHT!!!!!

You are super super SUPER powerful! Consciousness keeps rising....and as it does....I believe our ability to instantaneously create will also rise!

Are you ready?? Are you ready for this much power?....and responsibility?!

If YES!....Then yay.....let's rock on!
If NO....Then let's have a conversation and get you ready and grounded for this energy wave that will flow through everyone and everyone's consciousness!!!!

Remember....Spirit / The Divine / Creator loves you and wants the very best for you! We've all asked for growth and elevation....and here it is! In a speedy, powerful fashion!

I love you! And I'm holding you highest, most loving space as you adjust to this new, high frequency energy, light and materialization!
P.S. Another AMAZING support system for you right now....The Path to Ascension Circle that Gabriel and I co-created just over a month ago! It is such a beautiful, supportive, kind, caring and expansive place online! YOU will LOVE it!

We're also getting ready to host another Thrive in 5 series starting Dec 2nd! Hop on over to the group to catch the high vibe goodness!!!!

intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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