Subject: BIG Announcement!!! I've been waiting a while to share this with you!

Hello beautiful!!!!
I hope you are wonderfully well and enjoying ALL the supportive and fast-paced energy that is pouring in for us now!.....Fall Equinox yesterday, International Day of Peace yesterday, Mercury is in retrograde yet again (shakin' things up), and the Gamma Rays I was telling you about last time are now flowing down to us! I feel like we're in hyper-speed....needing to be soooo mindful as to our thoughts and getting super clear in our directional creative flow......

AND.....I have been SUPER EXCITED.....awaiting this share some amazing, wonderful, exciting, loving news with YOU!!!! I'M PREGNANT!!!! It's official.....tomorrow I will be 12 weeks....and the baby is due April 7th! Gabriel and I have been enjoying this incredible time of creation and change....Holding high vibes for a healthy pregnancy and baby!


....Has been a mixed bag of toys....emotional, hormonal, hot and sweaty, needing constant naps and the constant wave of nausea has finally subsided : )  As for cravings...well....more salty foods than anything else....I swear I could drink a packet of soy sauce! I did have a typical pregnancy craving night about a month ago....9:30 pm Gabriel and I raced to Sobey's to get Haagen Daz Chocolate ice cream and dill pickles : )

Being down in LA (arrived on Friday), away from Gabriel and the comforts of home has been challenging....I miss being around him sooooo much. I'm not feeling as courageous as I once was....And, I had no idea the intensity of "protective" vibes I am feeling. Just when I thought I had my thoughts in positive alignment....wowzers....My mind races with contrasting thoughts of fear, worry, doubt and crazy-ass dreams that are all fear-based. I'm really having to step up my internal practice!

On a spiritual note....I've seen the baby several times....helping me in sessions with clients, reassuring me on the plane that everything is developing beautifully and helping me stay centered and calm. And I LOVE listening to meditative music like never before! I feel "her" flutter inside me, like butterfly wings gently letting me "she's" there!

All-in-all.....Gabriel and I are extremely grateful and feel we have been divinely blessed with this miracle! I'm super excited to share the rest of this journey with you and experience the mystery as it unfolds......

  • I will continue to see clients in person for as long as I can and then will have to switch to phone sessions as we get closer to the due date.
  • I have a few upcoming workshops and courses coming this fall....."Expand Your Intuition" and "Reiki Level 1". Email me if you're interested....
  • And if you've been considering the Tulum Retreat...or taking part in a retreat with me.....THIS YEAR WOULD BE THE YEAR! Once baby comes...I have no idea how life will unfold or when our next out-of-country retreat will be....To celebrate the Announcement of the Pregnancy and to make it easy for YOU TO SAY YES to the retreat....I've created a

This retreat is going to beautifully nurturing, soulfully connected and blissfully grounding. Amansala and Tulum is the perfect setting for re-calibration, inner reflection, self-care and intuitive elevation. It is one of my favourite places I've traveled to and where Gabriel and I lived for 6 months (between Tulum and Playa del Carmen). We are excited to share this bountiful, sacred time with you and hope you'll join us this year!!!

Re all else.....I'll keep you updated along the pregnancy journey! Gabriel and I are considering starting a Periscope video channel to share our collective journey and all the amazing insights that are being channeled by this little / big energy that is very present in me and around us!

Sharing ALL this sacred goodness and LOVE with YOU!!!!!!! BIG BIG hugs!!!!!!!

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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