Subject: Awaken Your Cosmic Consciousness with the Cosmic Consciousness Catalyst Friend

Warm greetings to You, Friend!

We hope this newsletter finds you surrounded by love, joy, and an eagerness to embrace the limitless possibilities within each of us.

At the Academy of Light, our mission is to support Spiritual Seekers, Heart-based Entrepreneurs, Visionaries, and Lightworkers like you on your transformative journey towards healing, thriving, and leading exceptionally.

We understand your unique path and are here to provide guidance, inspiration, and a nurturing space for your growth.

Today, we are thrilled to introduce our life-changing course, the Cosmic Consciousness Catalyst.

This extraordinary program has been designed with you in mind, weaving through the four stages of spiritual consciousness: Victim, Manifestor, God through Us, and God as Us.

We intend to help you experience profound shifts in consciousness akin to the incredible transformations witnessed by those who have had Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) or reached the state of Samadhi.

We assure you that throughout this journey, you will be supported, encouraged, and uplifted by our dedicated team of experts who are passionate about empowering you to awaken your cosmic potential.

Imagine a life where you break free from limitations, manifest your desires effortlessly, connect deeply with the divine within and around you, and embody your highest purpose. The Cosmic Consciousness Catalyst holds the key to unlocking these extraordinary possibilities.

But we understand that embarking on such a transformative journey can be exciting and overwhelming. Rest assured; we are here to guide you every step of the way. Our friendly and inclusive community will embrace you with open arms, creating a safe and supportive environment where you can freely explore, learn, and grow.

Whether you're new to this path or a seasoned traveller, the Cosmic Consciousness Catalyst offers a unique opportunity to delve deeper into your spiritual essence, expand your consciousness, and create profound shifts in your life.

Join us on Wednesday, 7th June at 7 PM EST as we embark on this awe-inspiring adventure together. Are you ready to step into the limitless potential that awaits you?

To secure your spot in the Cosmic Consciousness Catalyst, Type "C3" in the comments section of THIS POST in the Academy of Light Facebook or connect with King Gabriel directly on Facebook Messenger at now!

Remember, as a cherished member of The Academy of Light, we are delighted to extend a discount of 15% off the course investment.

In the Academy of Light, we believe that each one of us has the power to illuminate the world with our unique gifts and purpose.

Let us walk hand in hand, supporting and uplifting one another as we awaken our cosmic consciousness and create a brighter, more extraordinary future.

Awaken Your Cosmic Consciousness with the Cosmic Consciousness Catalyst

  1. Stage 1: Liberation from the Victim Consciousness:

    • Understand the patterns that keep you feeling stuck and powerless.

    • Release limiting beliefs and embrace a mindset of empowerment.

    • Unlock your potential to manifest the life you desire.

  2. Stage 2: Becoming a Manifestor:

    • Harness the power of intention and manifestation to create your reality.

    • Learn practical techniques to attract abundance and success.

    • Discover how to align your thoughts, emotions, and actions for optimal manifestation.

  3. Stage 3: God through Us:

    • Deepen your connection to the divine within yourself and others.

    • Cultivate compassion, love, and forgiveness in your relationships.

    • Experience a profound sense of unity and oneness with all beings.

  4. Stage 4: God as Us:

    • Awaken to your true divine nature and embrace your highest potential.

    • Radiate love, joy, and peace in every aspect of your life.

    • Transcend the limitations of the ego and embody your divine purpose.

By the end of the Cosmic Consciousness Catalyst, you will have experienced a quantum leap in your spiritual growth and be equipped with the tools to lead an exceptional life.

Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a soul-stirring adventure. Enroll in the Cosmic Consciousness Catalyst today and unlock your cosmic potential.

To secure your spot in the Cosmic Consciousness Catalyst,  Type "C3" in the comments section of THIS POST in the Academy of Light Facebook or connect with King Gabriel directly on Facebook Messenger at now!