Subject: August IN-sight Letter!!

Hi sweet soul!!!
How are you this fine day? Enjoying the fullness of summer I hope!!! I can't believe it's the end of August already....and that I haven't been in touch for a few months.....time with a baby creates a vortex of time speeding up even faster! 

This summer has been wonderfully blessed for us.....enjoying new life flow with miss Aria Sky.....taking her to the beach and allowing her to feel sand between her toes for the first time! Swimming in the Ottawa River and camping out on the houseboat up at my parent's lodge.....beautiful! Woke up one morning to see Aria peacefully looking out the window of the houseboat at the water and trees for 10 minutes! Peaceful! She LOVES nature!!!! Traveled to Montreal to celebrate Gabriel's birthday.....amazing how adaptable babies are! And have been a busy-little-bee revitalizing programs and expanding my reach through incredible speaking opportunities! And experienced some challenging ego-death / Soul-Growth moments! 

And somehow....I still have the time to get out walking and enjoy my meditation and yoga practice! (running the Soul Awakening Retreat up north this summer definitely helped to re-ignite my practice!!!!)

As busy as we all can get in life.....there remains these sacred moments for upward connection, inward reflection and soul expansion.....even if it's a matter of minutes. This spiritual practice is sooooooooooo valuable! It offers the energy and vitality required to keep on with grace, ease and joy. It provides a moment to reset from the inner and outer chaos and ego-chitter-chatter. It creates space within so that we can stay inspired and clear! 

What is your spiritual practice? What do you do / be to create inward connection and stillness? And how often do you engage in this practice? (daily, weekly, when you think of it?) 

I've found that with dedicated, consistent practice life gets easier and flows with joy. We then have ALL the energy we need to live joyfully, radiantly and beautifully! And I know this because I've been in it! And I sooooooooooo want this for YOU!!!!! You are deserving of EVERYTHING you've ever wanted! You are deserving of LOVE, JOY, GOODNESS, ABUNDANCE, HEALTH, BEAUTY!!!!! And it's all, always, available to simply need to align with your higher/expanded soul self and it will be delivered to you within moments!!!! The Divine Rush!!!!!! The more you connect, the greater the flow!

Holding you in HIGHEST vibration and truth, 

What's UP and FLOWING......Events, Workshops & Happenings You May Want to Checkout!!!!

I'm excited to offer 3 powerful and insightful MASTERCLASSES on Advanced Healing over the next few weeks!!! Would LOVE for YOU to join me and my special guests!!!! All classes will be recorded in case you can't make the date:) 
  • Thursday, September 8th from 7 - 8 pm - "Radically Advance Your Healing"
  • Tuesday, September 13th from 7 - 8 pm - "Healing Misconceptions"
  • Saturday, September 17th from 11 am - 12 pm - "The Trap of the Diagnosis Mind"
If you'd like to attend, please click the following link and you'll be notified as to when we're live and all login details :) 

About 3 months ago I was approached by a beautiful woman by the name of Mary Morasutti, founder of H.U.B Inc. (Heighten Your Business) and creator of many of the HGTV shows!!! She asked if I would open a Barrie Chapter....and after tuning in and UP....I said YES!!!! 

Our official LAUNCH EVENT is happening Friday, September 23rd from 11 - 2 at the FarmHouse in Barrie!!!! If you interested in accelerating your life and biz you definitely want to check this out!!!! I'd LOVE to see you there!!! Oh, and you don't have to live in Barrie to can drive up from the GTA, down from the north or fly in from where ever you live!!!! H.U.B is ever-expanding across Canada and eventually global!!!!

All the details about H.U.B Inc can be found here: or by click the link below. We have some incredible change-agents and entrepreneur leaders sharing their insights, tools and tips! Would LOVE if you could make it!

AND....if you're interested in sharing or speaking at one of our monthly events, please email me : ) 
IGNITE TRANSFORMATION - A Course in Advanced Healing!

I'm excited and thrilled to initiate another class of A Course in Advanced Healing!!! NEW content! NEW energy activations! NEW format (in-person and online now avail!!!)!

If you are a healer, want to step into the field of healing, feeling called to become a powerful and effective may want to check out this program!!!! I'd LOVE to have you join us!!!! We start in September!

REIKI MASTER LEVEL - September 9, 10 & 11th!

If you've completed Reiki Level 1 and 2 and would LOVE to ignite your energy channel to the next may want to consider completing Level 3 / Master level! This level also provides the ability to teach Reiki classes and do the attunements!!! 

SUPER EXCITED to let you know that I'll be a regular contributor to Meaningful Mom Magazine (online) with Betsey Chasse (director of What the Bleep do we Know"!!! And, I have my very own segment called "Mom 2 Mom"!!!! 

Click the pink link to check it out and stay updated on posts!!!
ON A PERSONAL NOTE.....Had to share these precious pics of Aria Sky!
....Aria is growing soooooo fast!!!!! She's sitting up almost on her own....she is eating mashed bananas and sweet potatoes....she's laughing all the time....and she such a little healer!!! Had to have a tooth pulled and she reaches up and places her little hand right on the cheek where the tooth was pulled and where my face was swollen!!!

Every day we are blessed to have her a part of our life and experience! She is an angel and allowing Gabriel and I to sleep 8 - 10 hours a night over the past month or so!!!!!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her!!!!

I hope you have the BEST rest of your summer!!!!!! BE in JOY! BE in LOVE! BE in BLISS!!!!! There's soooooo much to be grateful for!!!!

Tara oxoxo
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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