Subject: As we flow into a long weekend in Canada...I was thinking....

Hey Beautiful!
As we flow into a long weekend in Canada...I was thinking about a few things that I wanted to share with you! Hopefully you'll have the time to read through this goodness tonight or throughout the weekend!

Gabriel, our team and I had our first official week off in almost 3 years! We called it "Rest & Recharge Week"! We all bring the light, 365 days a year....and we don't "run out of" energy....Our spiritual practice allows us to channel pure life force we really do feel like we have more than time, energy, abundance, creativity and everything else that goes with navigating life, a family and business!

.....Annnnnnd.....I must say....this past week has been incredibly loving, restful, nurturing, sweet, adventurous and enriching!

Some key highlights to share with you.....
......We went surprise bowling with the kiddos! Chase and Cruz's first time! Was sooooo much fun! (I shared videos and pics on social media: Instagram @taraantler; FB @taraantler and in our group)!

.......We gardened together and planted some beautiful vegetation!

.......We are in the midst of watching a small building on the property transform into our new office, yoga and meditation studio!

.......We found some new culvert treasures to play in and have a little photoshoot!

.......We went to the play-place in town and enjoyed donuts, lattes and sushi!

.......We slept in....we napped...and......Aria and I did an outdoor spa day!
Sooooo many magical moments!!!!!
Reveal Party for Oracle Cards!
Want to get on the guest list and be the first to know about the reveal-release party for my Divine Wisdom Cards??

Mark Your Calendar!
June 20th - 24th we are hosting our next complimentary Thrive in 5 Workshop! Centered around expanding your intuition! Official branding for it will be released this week!

Latest Podcast Episodes.....
Have you tuned into our Rising Consciousness Podcast? We are getting ready to release some new episodes after the weekend!

Creating time to honour YOU!
A BIG piece that I really embodied this week truly honour oneself with not just words, mantras or energy. To back it all UP with physically grounded practices that "treat" the body to tender loving care too! How are you honouring (and loving) YOU this week?
Always....such a JOY to connect and share with you!!!! We are sending infinite LIGHT your way! Have THE MOST joyful, nourishing, loving weekend!!

Excited to reconnect online - live after the weekend!

BIG hugs!

intuitive healers, spiritual guides & teachers, international speakers
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Published Author

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

I so appreciate you being a part of this loving and soulful community! Being a part of this community gives you exclusive access to "IN-sight letters" and abundant goodness to elevate your life! You also have full choice in being a part of this community, and if you no longer resonate with the content, you can easily remove yourself from our emails. Of course we will miss you, and we understand. Blessings all around : )

2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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