Subject: Are you ready to shift, elevate & heal?

Hi Friend!

How are you beautiful soul??? Have you been feeling the shift-intensity over the past few days (for some the past week)? Wowzers!!!!! What a doozy energy blast we're receiving! I felt it intensely a wave of exhaustion placed over me....and then energy surges throughout the night between 4 - 5 am....a constant stream of ideas popping into my awareness!

After speaking to several people today....I felt called to send a quick email to offer an extra little guidance and insight as to what the heck is going on energetically out there!

First...Mercury went retrograde (AGAIN) on August 30th and thankfully completes TODAY!!! What this means for us:
  • HUGE time and opportunity to clean internal house! 
  • MAJOR stuff from our past (beliefs, thoughts, constructs, ideas, etc) are being asked to clear. 
  • OLD, OLD,'s the oldest patterns and structures that are being asked to shift and lift and finally be rid from our consciousness!
  • DROP (RELEASE) any and all judgement thoughts you have about self and others!
  • CHOOSE love over all else.
  • BATHE in goodness (rest, nap, take a bath, go on vacation, be with people who support you)
  • TAKE THE TIME to clear whatever is surfacing for's soooooo worth it!
  • INTENSE criticism, analysis and judgement from others.
  • IDEAS FALLING through. Sometimes certain things seemed like a good idea initially....and then when things internally and externally get re-worked that idea no longer fits and needs to be lifted from you. 
  • RELATING CLEARING. Yes...ALL relationships are being put under the microscope and anything that is based in control, fear or any other low frequency is coming up to be cleansed.
  • DELAYS in communication, text messages, emails and general connecting are happening all around. 

  • KNOW that when someone criticizes you.....if's simply a projection of unhappiness within themselves. We can look at self and see if any of what's being said is showing up....AND know that it's not true of who you really are! 
  • SEND LOVE all around! God know we all need it!
  • LET THE OLD FALL AWAY. If certain things seem to be falling through your fingers....let them go. It is in our best interest to release the grip on things that we just can't seem to hold onto (this could be a job, idea, relationship, house, money, etc).
  • RECONNECTION. We need to clean up how we connect and relate to one another and start to consider the whole! When we can enter a relationship from a spiritual perspective, that relationship has a beautiful foundation of love and respect built into it. ANY power-play crap HAS TO GO!
  • BE PATIENT AND KIND to self and others. We all have soooooo much going on.....we have full intention of getting back to people and sometimes things comes up and lines of communication get blurred or lost in translation. 

After the dust settles from this internal - external clean / we will feel a sense of renewal and refreshment! Be patient. Be good to yourself and others. And choose love and compassion over all else! As it is said, "this too shall pass" and when it does....we'll all be shinier, lighter and more brilliant! always....if you want or need a little extra love and know that I'm always here! (in person and by phone)

Wrapping my energetic arms around you!

(If you're in the Toronto area)
Need a dose of inspiration and celebration?! 
Come out to the Share~Love~Celebrate Speakers Series!

Click here for tickets $20:

Gabriel and I will be speaking tonight @ 7 pm at Sick Kids Hospital! Would LOVE to see you there!!! Our topic: "Staying the Course". In this loving, light-filled talk they will share what it takes to stay on course in a world full of distractions. And why it is so important to stay the course to completion. 

(Access from anywhere in the world)
Want to take your healing to the next level?
Join us for the 4th round of A Course in Advanced Healing!

Click here for info or register before Sunday at midnight & save $1100:

I've added new POWerFULL content, made the program available to take from where ever you are in the world & have added a 2-day "acceleration & elevation" retreat (included in the price)!

{9 modules, 18 sections} This program sheds light on how quickly healing can occur, teaches highly effective healing modalities that have shifted the live of thousands of people & accelerates healing in both the facilitator & those receiving healing! Plus, weaved into the course are grounded, successful & practical ways to grow, expand & build your business as a healer in the world!!!

There are many paths to acceleration, expansion, healing, greater awareness and leadership! All are amazing and exactly what they need to be for each person. If this time, program and guidance resonates with you, then it is perfect and fully welcomed into this incredible community of light-workers, energy-healers and transformation-ignitors!

Course starts: Tuesday, September 27th and runs for 3 months

(Access from anywhere in the world)
Want to take shift your personal healing & radically elevate your life??
Register now for The Total Self Healing Program!

Click here for info or register:

8 Key areas of life are covered and elevated: the mind, emotional health, physical wellbeing, dealing with diagnosis, financial health, relationship health, forgiveness and spiritual growth! You would LOVE the flow and inner transformation!
Tara Antler
Author of "The Healing Manual - A Guide to Healing"
body-mind-spirit expert, intuitive, love-ignitor, international speaker, meditation facilitator, clarity coach

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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