Subject: Are you a Superwoman / Superman? this could be slowing your life down.....

Hi Friend  :)
Do you ever feel like Superwoman or Superman??? Do you ever feel like you can and have to do it all? All on your own? All by yourself?

I hosted a powerful FB Live yesterday that speaks directly to this (you can watch it by clicking HERE)....and how it can be stopping your life, slowing you down....and actually working against the ease and flow of your life.

We all want to feel successful, purposeful, strong, efficient, sufficient and capable. And WE ARE! We are sooooooooo powerful! Soooooooo strong! Sooooooooo capable! We can do soooooooo much....and sometimes (many times) we take on toooooooo much and do toooooooo much....which leaves us in a state of frustration, exhaustion, and resentment. This energy slows and stops our natural flow. And your Soul (your Higher Self) wants you to be in flow....and ease....and supported!

I had an interesting conversation this week that got me to thinking about myself and in the lives of those around me. I recall so many times when I have taken it all on by myself....whether it was a money reason, a time reason, an efficiency reason or a self-worth/value reason.....and each time I would find myself in an endless cycle of doing, doing, doing.....on my own.....that would lead me straight into frustration, overwhelm and then shut down.

In retrospect, I would ask myself the question, "Gosh, why didn't I just hire someone to help with this project? Why didn't I hire that Virtual Assistant / house cleaner / someone to help with meal prep / business coaching....? I would have saved myself sooooooo much time, frustration, emotional energy and needless time trying to figure it all out on my own."

When we can recognize that we can be Super Human / Superwoman / Superman and that we are....and still ALLOW others to step up and into our life to offer their help / expertise / gifts.....we enter back into the divine ease, flow and grace of Source / Creator / God / Universe......and honour that we ALL have a valuable part to play in the world, in each other's lives and toward the betterment of ALL our experiences!!!!!
However.....when we see the solution right in front of us......When we send out a prayer for help and the option / offer arrives in perfect form, flow and time.....and we DON'T accept what is being presented or given.....we are actually rejecting the answered prayer. We are rejecting the ease to which our Soul wants us to grow and evolve.

And this most likely arises out of the ego.....sneakily telling us that we CAN do it all on our way. We are strong. We can figure this out. We are capable. It's a sneaky disguise that will keep you repeating cycle after cycle, keep you stuck, slow you down and eventually overwhelms the self for having to "DO IT ALL, ALL THE TIME, ON YOUR OWN".

One of THE MOST POWERFUL things we can do for ourselves and our Soul's growth is to recognize:
  1. when we need help!
  2. reach out and seek the support (whether that be a physical step like searching for help or sending out a prayer or request for Universal support and clarity)
  3. then....when the answer arrives and is presented right before you.....take the support....take the step! mindful when the ego-mind wants to hook you back in to "Oh, you know what.....I can do this on my own. I can figure this out. I'll just watch a YouTube video or read a quick book....and get it done on my own."

We were born onto this planet with others beside and around us! And each of us has a piece of the Cosmic puzzle to create ease and heaven on earth! We each have skills, gifts and expertise that we have mastered during the course of our life! When we honour one another and our experts gifts.....we send out a BIG BEAUTIFUL MESSAGE to the Universe / Cosmos that says, "I value life! I value my life! I value the gifts and service of others! And I receive love and support to help ease my life!"
Sooooooo.....I ask you.....
  • Where in your life are playing Superwoman / Superman to all / to everything / in everything?
  • Where can you seek out support? What areas of life would you LOVE to have support in?
  • And then....can you trust and take a step....and receive this support?

By hiring an assistant and a house life opens up! I have more time focus in on the things I LOVE, the things I'm really GREAT at and where I truly want to share my time! It is SUPER EMPOWERING!!!! AWESOMELY EXPANSIVE! And reinforces the love, honour and value of all those around me!

(This Saturday....I'm going to share another important ego-mind-trap that surfaces around this....all around "control"....stay tuned!)

So......for today.....where are you wanting to step up and have resisted? What support do you want or need in your life that would make your life more easy, enjoyable and flowing? Hit reply to this email and let me know! I'll see where the missing piece is for you and what you may need to do or where you need to connect to restore balance, empowerment, flow and alignment!!!!!...and will email you back with the clarity!
MASSIVE LOVE and infinite Soul Support your way!
P.S. You are so powerful, so wise, so strong! And the whole of creation wants you to receive the loving support that can and will amplify your life! Are you ready to release, receive and restore???? If yes....hit reply to this email and the questions above....or schedule some time to chat to uncover your next Soul Step!

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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