Subject: Are any of these beliefs sabotaging your abundance?

Hello beautiful!!!!
How are you this week? I wanted to pop in quickly re something that could radically heal your money, relationship, health, biz world!

Have you ever had the feeling that something is against you? No matter how much you try to step your life forward, it's like an elastic band keeps you pulling you back from the place you started....or worse....further back or down?

Since the twins arrived my WHOLE world has been turned upside-down and inside-out! I have been shaken to the core....having to restructure my entire life, way of doing things, how I'm able to serve as a healer in the world, and how I function on the whole. It has been REALLY uncomfortable. Joyful and blessed to have this amazing abundant family....and yet feeling like my normal, known self has disappeared.....uncertain as to who this new version of me that is wanting to emerge.

As with any restructuring....beliefs will be shaken and stirred....and a call to confront what no longer serves is crucial. Without this....we keep repeating the same old and nothing elevates. With growth....comes with change....and with change comes more flow! On the other feels amazing! Light! Free! Abundant! Flowing! However....when you're in it or moving through it....not so much.

It feels like constant stress, strain and struggle. Cortisol racing through the body, fear flooding the mind, emotions running all over the place, the body gets unhappy and breaks down....and it feels as though nothing is working. This, my friend, is not healthy....and it's definitely NOT an easy way to live.

After hitting the same wall over and over and over again.....I knew it was time to slow down, go within, reflect on what's stopping me, listen to the limiting beliefs that were begging to be gone, and get to clearing! Thankfully, over the 20+ years in the healing arts, I've picked up some powerful tools to easily identify the old beliefs and shift and shed them with ease! As I was looking at my own walls of limitation and stuckness....and while helping clients move through their limiting beliefs over the past few week....I uncovered 7 common beliefs that sabotage our abundance, money flow, success, freedom, and health.

  1. Something's wrong and broken
  2. Empty well-syndrome
  3. Work harder - push, hustle, work-horse
  4. Unworthiness - not deserving. Everyone else, but not me.
  5. I've tried and failed, so I stop.
  6. One day (I will.....have / be / do / it will arrive)......
  7. Maybe it's not meant to be.
I've created a loving and powerful video (for free) that goes into more detail on the 7.....You can watch by clicking here ==>
Obviously there are many more that I've uncovered and healed in my own life, and while working with over 10K clients....far more than 7. Each person is different, each has lived a unique experience, with different cultures, family beliefs, events that have happened and stories formed. I do know that ALL of the varying limiting beliefs can be identified, healed and cleared! AND...that this is by far ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT STEPS IN YOU CREATING ABUNDANCE, MONEY, HAPPINESS AND FLOW IN YOUR LIFE!

Without this crucial and necessary step....we keep repeating the same old...over and over and over again. Ease, abundance and freedom doesn't come. I can't tell you how many times I've had complimentary clarity calls with potential clients, where we uncover what's stopping them, map out a solution, they don't take the step to work together, go off on their own....and then a year later write to me or get on another call and say the EXACT same thing regarding what's not working in their life. Nothing changed in 12 months. What?! Shocking, I know! Why?! Because the proper healing and clearing was not done and learned. Because there was a belief block around receiving the necessary support to make change happen. Because there was a negative block around investing in themselves. Because there was a time block...not now (so then when?).

Maybe they tried to do it on their own. Maybe they tried through reading a book. Maybe they did nothing at all. Maybe it wasn't the "right" time. Maybe they didn't have the money to take a step. Maybe they got trapped in the ego. Whatever the hurts my heart to see anyone stuck in their stuff and repeating the same pattern over and over and over again, for months and even years. It is painful to watch. I's painful for me to stay in negative repetition....I don't like it.
Time, life and our timeline will keep unfolding. That is one constant and certain thing in our experience. And if we keep going with the current beliefs, we will see all that is being created from that belief.

If you LOVE what you're experiencing in your life....then keep on track!

If you're tired of what's showing up and ready to step off the limited, stressful, painful hamster wheel....then take a step! You are ready to heal your money story and free yourself from the beliefs that stop your money in-flow! Check out the Financial Health and well-being Module! It will radically make a difference in your abundance! There are 12 audio teachings and tools, 2 videos, 1 meditation to get you into abundance receptivity, and a powerful theta healing - belief re-patterning meditation that you listen to while you sleep that creates more abundance!

You can either purchase it as a stand-alone program:

Or get it for free when you purchase the Abundance Accelerator:

The choice is ALWAYS YOURS TO MAKE! You are powerful! You get to clear the old and map out a new path that supports, love and abundantly show up for you. Or repeat the same old....

Of course, I want you to thrive and be abundantly awesome! And I'm always expanding light your way! And...if you're ready to heal your money story and create freedom in your life....let's do this! NOW! Today!

BIG BIG hugs and tons of love your way!
P.S. I want EVERYONE to heal their past and be FREE! I want everyone to live abundantly and truly create a life of awesome! And I 100% KNOW that clearing out the old before building the new is absolutely ONE OF THE MOST powerful things you can do for yourself and your life of abundance!

Let's create freedom, flow and financial awesomeness!

Sent to you with love from my "smartphone" ;)
647. 991. 9366
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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