Subject: A little joyful reminder of the LIGHT & tonight at 7:30 pm...

Hey Friend!
As the light is returning to the northern hemisphere......Higher Self and messages from the Divine are reminding me each day of the LIGHT within....and that it's a powerful time to remember!!!! Not necessarily "who" we are....rather...."what" we are!

The "who" we are changes regularly. The "what" we are is constant....forever....powerful....unwavering! And part of the planetary awakening that we are all in includes remembering "what" we are! As light! As pure energy! As powerful creator energy! As solar or SOUL-ar frequencies!

And when we remember.....we are free! When we realign to this simple and powerful truth....everything can shift and lift in one moment!

The key is to not get caught in the illusion of the world and ALL the apparent craziness that "seems" to be going on "out there". Now is the time to remain centered within our core....within our light....within our higher truth and wisdom!

And together we RISE!!!!!!!!
As we rise.....would you like to connect for some soulful goodness tonight from 7:30 - 9:30 pm EST?!?!? Gabriel and I are hosting a powerful, soulful, energy session today on Zoom!!!!!

Thrive in 5 - 2 Hour Blitz!!!!!! Creating beautiful outcomes!!!!
  • strengthen your ability to create / manifest with ease and precision
  • shift, heal and transform the past that holds you back
  • increase intuition so that you can make quick, aligned and easy decisions....which moves you forward
  • refine your connection to Source so that you have more than enough energy, time and resources

You can also tune in via livestream in the group:

Can't wait to connect tonight! Have a radiant day in the light, with the light and as the light!!!!!!

P.S. Feel free to invite your friends!!!! The more we collectively rise up...the faster we all get to be free!

intuitive healers, spiritual guides & teachers, international speakers
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Published Author

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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