Subject: A day to play and embrace your inner child!

Good morning and happy Saturday!!! Gabriel, Aria and I are on our way to visit some dear friends in Muskoka for the day...for a little play, sunshine and chill-time! I'm writing to you from the car as I felt to reach out....short and sweet message.... remind you to take time to play! And connect with this you adore and love. Life flies by soooooo fast.....and in today's world we often get caught up in ALL that we seemingly "have to do"....that we forget about the pure joy and simplicity of playing.....

This week we also met up with a dear soul sister...who's daughter has been in the hospital recovering from a close call car accident.....She's now re-learning how to walk. I had a mini-meltdown seeing her in this state. So vulnerable. Life is so precious.

It really reminded me of the sacredness of life again....and to FULLY APPRECIATE every moment, live to the greatest potential and fulfillment we can, share time with those we adore and love, and release the crap that holds us back, limits us or has us feeling low. Time really just keeps going.....and it's 100% up to us to CHOOSE how we utilize this precious resource.....

I ask you.....what's important to you?  What lights you UP? Who allows you to be in a state of joy....and your full self? Who fully sees and appreciates you? Where do you feel your best? And now.....TODAY....go out and connect / do / play in or with one these areas or people!

And while you're playing and connecting.....give yourself permission to be fully free, playful, silly and childlike!!!! Pure joy will rise up! Pure bliss will follow! And the simple appreciation of life will be super present!!!! Your heart will smile and happiness from your soul will fill you!

Sending you so much love today!!!!