Subject: 3 Things I don't want you to miss!.....

Hi Friend!

Inside this IN-sight letter I wanted to share a few things with you!!! And toward the end I've written a little something about the significance of this year coming to a close and things to consider as we approach a new year! AND....I really want you to know about 3 awesome things happening....that I didn't want you to miss.....

If you've been thinking about getting away this winter.....we'd LOVE to have you retreat with us down in Barbados!!!! And tomorrow is the last day to save $500 with our early booking bonus!!!! The retreat is happening Feb 18 - 25th and includes all yoga, meditation, qi gong classes, soul sessions (based on YOU and what you want support with), 3 meals a day + snacks, and a fun excursion! Right now you can join us for $2122 (payments plans are avail) and after Dec 1st the prices goes up to $2622. 
"Shift It! 15 Minute Miracles" starts tomorrow!!!! And I'm featured on Day 2!!!! My talk is called, "Do You Need a Lift?" This is a powerful, loving, supportive and fantastic FREE summit featuring world renowned healers, speakers and coaches.....and each day offers a quick 15-minute recharge! You can gain access by using the following link: 
This Saturday in Toronto I'm helping a friend out with a fun and creative Aromatherapy workshop! Learn how to make your own quality natural self care products. 
What you'll learn: Aromatherapy basics; Essential oils and recommended dilutions; Recipes; and What to use and what to avoid!
What you'll make to take home: Body scrub, Bath salts, Body cream, Body oil and Facial Mist....and you get to customize them ALL to your liking!!!
All raw materials and containers provided. Cost: $120.00. 
Plus....A lovely way to kickoff holiday gatherings!!! Message me to register!
AND.....Happy end of November and almost 1st of December! Wow!!!!! How fast has this year gone!? Have you thought about all that you've created and experienced this year? Have thought about all that you may want to complete before the end of the year?

This year....being a "9" numerologically....has been a powerful and INTENSE year for cleansing, clearing, healing, releasing and transforming our life....inner and outer! A "9" year represents completion, the ending of old cycles, old stuff, clearing things hidden within and releasing anything that is old and outdated! As crazy, intense 9-years are, I'm soooooo grateful for them because I know whatever we clear now, we do not take with us as we enter a "1" cycle in 2017....which sets the tone for the next 9 years! New Beginnings!

Sooooo.....I ask you.....what do you want to carry forward and what are you willing and ready to release for this next 9 year cycle of life? What do you absolutely WANT to shift and transform? What patterns and old habits are sooooo done with, so tired of repeating? What do you want to experience? What do you want to create? How do you want to feel each day? Who can you be and what practices can you focus on that will keep you in alignment with higher truth? And experience a joyful path?

These are the questions I've been asking myself and journaling about....and then doing some serious clearing!!!! If you want some support with this cleansing out.....please reach out! I am seeing clients regularly phone and in person.....and would be MORE THAN HAPPY to help you shift and lift so that you can enter 2017 with total clarity, higher vision and joyful alignment!!!!

And if you're not sure what your next steps are or how you'd like a FREE / complimentary Soul Steps HERE to schedule! 

Wrapping you in beautiful, supportive love and healing!
Tara Antler
Author of "The Healing Manual - A Guide to Healing"
body-mind-spirit expert, intuitive, love-ignitor, international speaker, meditation facilitator, clarity coach

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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