Subject: << Spring Insight Letter >> Fresh Perspective vs New Adventures

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Fresh Perspective vs New Adventures

HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!! YAY!!!!!! I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR!!!! New energy, new beginnings, a time of rebirth, coming out of our caves, shedding the layers and starting a new cycle of life!!! Fresh energy, new eyes, fresh perspectives!

As I was driving up north on Tuesday, listening to music that moved my soul, I was having one of those nostalgic moments…..acknowledging the freedom I was feeling in just jumping in my car and traveling up north….Somewhere I’ve traveled to hundreds of times…And yet I felt as though it was the first time I had seen this path and scenery. Everything looked bright, sparkling, magical. It was in that moment I realized how much I NEEDED to GET AWAY! You know that feeling when you find yourself doing the same thing, day-in-day-out?....Feeling like a spinning wheel where you see the same things each day, think the same thoughts, doing the same actions. I was there, and wasn’t paying attention to the signals of my soul to create a mini-adventure for myself. I needed the wheel to travel a different path and tread new territory.

We are in a fascinating time - where life is being created and formed right before our eyes. Hence the reason it's so important to keep our thought-field clear and pointed in the direction we want to go. Whether that is toward the fulfillment of our dreams, or the creation of ease and simplicity, or the direction of happiness. All dreams, wishes, desires are valid, worthy and awesome!

I was aware that many amazing things are happening in my life....and yet....I was feeling uninspired by my daily routine, the daily ins-and-outs, seeing and doing the same things each day. I needed either a fresh perspective or a new adventure or a BIG change.
I appreciate being grounded, having a routine and having a regular structure to work from….It is said that some structure can offer more freedom. For some I believe this is true....For others we/they require a flow with the tides kind of approach to living. Either way, there’s something magical that happens when we venture out of our daily routine and see new things and get to explore! I thrive when I'm traveling, exploring and open to to new whole world lights up! Our Higher Self loves to expand….This is the Soul’s language and knowing! It likes to play! It loves to explore! It craves seeing new things. Think about all the inventions, explorations that exist across time and space. There is a calling deep within to explore and reach as far as we the further reaches in outer space to the deepest exploration within ourselves.
When I arrived home at my parent’s place….I observed my 18 month old nephew play….every day was something new…something different to explore and discover. Something new to see…..fresh eyes each moment. Even when he reached for something he played with the day before it was as though he saw it today with a new perspective, discovering something else about this thing.
This brought me to the awareness: Perspective vs Adventure. Two different approaches and yet each deliver the same feeling - exploration and a sense of wow! Every moment we have the opportunity to have a fresh perspective and explore or experience something new in any moment. And we also have the freedom to go on an adventure....even if it's in our own backyard, city or place we've traveled to before. The key is to be OPEN, allow the feeling of EXPLORATION, and see what you can SEE WITH FRESH EYES!
I feel it's so important for us to step out of our comfort zone avoid getting caught in same-old-thing "wheel". We just never know what will and can happen that fulfills our Soul when we stretch and experience something new! We often feel refreshed, alive, inspired, moved, joyful, happy, overflowing with a sense of gratitude and aw for life!

Now, over to you.....what's your preference? New Perspective or New Adventure? And what can you do this weekend to explore either or both? Flow on over to my blog and leave a comment! I'd LOVE to hear from you!!!!


Saturday, March 21st from 10 - 11 am

The first installment of $5000 has been delivered to the Producers of The Coaching Movie!!! Thank you so much for all of your help, support and willingness to share the campaign with your peeps!!! Together we will change and elevate the lives of millions of people around the world!!!

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Click the following link or pic to access: SOUL DESIGN. And then let me know what you think, feel and any aha's you have during the process!!! THANK YOU!!!

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Reiki in the North

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