Are you frustrated that your spare parts inventory is over-stocked - leading to excess funds being invested?
Or is it under-stocked - leading to expensive stock outs?
If your working life is spent expediting orders, creating work arounds, and trying to figure out what went wrong then you need to read and watch this edition's features.
You see, I can almost guarantee that the root cause of the problem is that your company applies the standard rules of inventory management to their spare parts.
(Was that loud enough?)
To be clear, I am addressing the management of spare parts held by a company for the operational and maintenance support of their own equipment.
The feature article for this edition is: 8 Reasons Why Spare Parts Management is Different.
Different to what? Different to other types of inventory. Read this if you still need convincing that the standard inventory management theory just does not apply here.
This month's feature video is titled: The Truth About Spare Parts Management Theory.
Can you handle the truth?
Watch to find out.
Scroll down for the links.