Subject: SPKH: Webinar Reminder

Hi Friend,

If you haven't yet signed up for this month's webinars then you had better get moving because space and time is running out!

(If you have signed up - well done and my apologies for the interruption)

Here are the details.

Webinar 1: Five Common Techniques That Should NOT Be Used for Spare Parts Management
In this informative 30 minute webinar we will cover 5 common inventory management techniques that should NOT be used for spare parts management.  By understanding which techniques to not apply (and why) you might just save your company a bundle of money and save yourself the headache of trying to apply something that just doesn’t work – and haven’t we all been there!

This webinar is open to everyone but places are limited so to avoid disappointment please register today.

Please note that the recording of the webinar will only be available to Premium and Corporate Members.

Here is the link for session times and registration:

Webinar 2: The What, Why and How of Reliability Centered Spares
It makes sense that to better manage the inventory used for maintenance and operations support we need to understand the needs of the equipment and the implications of not having the required parts available.  Basing your spare parts inventory analysis on the detail of your maintenance plans is the key to a methodology known as Reliability Centered Spares (RCS) – and that is the topic of this webinar.

Over the course of one hour we will explain the methodology of Reliability Centered Spares, identify some problems and the major benefits.  Ultimately we will answer the question - should you apply the RCS process in your business?

This webinar is open to Premium and Corporate Members only. Here is the link for session times and registration (you will need to be logged in):

Schedule an Online Demo
We are now offering readers of this newsletter the opportunity of a short online demo of the website.  See exactly what Premium and Corporate Members get access to and have your specific questions answered.  The only requirement is that you must use a corporate email address and clearly identify yourself.  To schedule your personal demo contact me via a reply to this email.

Keep on improving!

Phillip Slater

P.S Feel free to share this email with your colleagues


Phillip Slater

Phillip Slater is an award winning Spare Parts Inventory Management Specialist, consultantauthor, and founder of

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