Subject: SPKH: Upcoming Webinars on Inventory Accuracy

Hi Friend,

A quick note to let you know that we have two webinars coming up this month.

1. Spare Parts Inventory Accuracy & Why It Matters

Maintaining an accurate MRO and spare parts inventory is without doubt a top priority issue for good inventory managers because an inaccurate inventory drives a number of significant problems.  The effect of an inaccurate inventory ripples through an organization with implications for: wasted money, extended downtime, exorbitant expediting costs, and inefficient labor, to name a few.

In this 30 minute public webinar, I will define and examine MRO and spare parts inventory accuracy.  Then I will explain why maintaining an accurate inventory is simple but not easy and identify four simple steps for maintaining an accurate inventory that you can implement straight away!

For date and time zone information follow this link

2.  How to Achieve 100% Inventory Accuracy – A Preventive Approach

Many companies take a ‘corrective’ approach to inventory accuracy.  That is, they spend their time and energy identifying and correcting the discrepancies that occur.  This can work, if you are able to identify the discrepancies before they create the chaos and expense that can result from inventory stock outs and have the resources to continuously perform this work.  A better way is to be proactive and work to prevent inaccuracies occurring in the first place. 

This 60 minute webinar, which is exclusive to Premium Subscribers at, will take you through a framework and 8 key steps that will help you to deliver that elusive 100% inventory accuracy - and save your company from the pain and cost of critical stock outs.

For date and time zone information follow this link

Keep on improving!

Phillip Slater

P.S Here is a link to my LinkedIn profile, feel free to link with me there (but I don't link with everyone so please please let me know that you are a newsletter subscriber.)


Phillip Slater

Phillip Slater is an Award Winning Spare Parts Management Specialist, consultantauthor, and founder of

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